I know this may sound harsh...what about his children and the other children who were victimized by him? Where are their voices? Having been victimized by the NWomb-Donor, her pedophile boyfriend, then the court system, I can identify with the children who were molested, then silenced by his money! I hope those children REGAIN their voices!!!!!
Hi all:
I am new here, but this post got my attention.
I am ambivalent about Michael Jackson, at this point. I love his music and respect his talent. I also feel he was abused.
Still as more and more stories surface about him, It appears that he himself was often abusive towards people. It appears that he could not break the cycle of his own abuse. Some survivors of Narcissistic abusive parents can, others can't.
Also, several videos of his children professing their love for "Daddy" in a very contrived and controlled way before the camera gave me chills. It just seemed like Jackson was trying too hard to film the image of a perfect family. It does not seem healthy.
Also, the allegations of molestation toward Jackson were never proved or disproved. Therefore, I am profoundly concerned about the damage that could be done to any possible victims of molestation by Jackson, if it is true.
If Jackson did molest children, can you imagine their pain and confusion they will experience by seeing Michael held up as a hero and a philanthropist as well as a victim, without recognition of Jackson's own abusive persona that may have been kept hidden but still existed.
Michael Jackson was a talented but trouble man. I do not believe however that he deserves the type of media attention he is currently bestowed. Basically, before his death he was somewhat of a has been and had not created a new Album that matched thriller, in quite some time. That is why this present seemingly overblown interest in his music, at this point is somewhat confusing. I am wondering if there is a clever marketing machine manipulating the media coverage with the hope of cashing in on Jackson's death.
I think a lot of stories about Jackson will likely surface now that he is gone, and can not hurt anyone through gossip or withholding of career advancement or money. Perhaps than we will get a clearer picture of the real Michael Jackson and not just the picture that he wanted the world to see.
Already, I have seen interviews with a few people who feel they were abused or dismissed unfairly by Jackson, and the resentment in their voices is palpable. Are these people credible? I don't know. Iit's pretty difficult to compete with a touted legend. Still, likely more and more credible people will come forward.
Jackson's black and white thinking though seems apparent in Deepak Chopra's statements that when he tried to warn Michael of the dangers of certain drugs, Jackson simply cut him off, refusing to take his calls until he fell in line and stopped mentioning the danger of the drugs. Who does that to a supportive friend other than a personality disordered person?
Also, the way he totally abandoned his beloved chimp. The chimp he treated like a child and jokingly referred to as his son. The sanctuary owner said unlike other former chimp owners who needed to relinquish their chimps for safety reasons, Jackson never visited his former beloved pet. The sanctuary owner said that chimps have long memories and the chimp would certainly remember Jackson and would have enjoyed a visit from his former owner.