Glad to hear that you're doing so well, Kelly, and that you have such an upbeat attitude.
Izzy, I thought that "Sicko" was dead-on accurate. I have private insurance through my husband's employer, and am constantly turned down for treatments and medications. I can't imagine what it must be like for the uninsured. I take Imitrex for my migraines, and my insurance will only pay for nine pills a month. If I need more than nine, the cost of the drug is somewhere around $500, which I can't afford. I'm in Arizona, and a lot of people go down to Mexico to buy their medications (my doctor actually recommended this). I also have a limit on the number of therapy visits I can have per year, and have to pay for the rest in cash ($150 a visit).
I think the people who are protesting Obama's plan are simply misinformed, or are listening to the nuts who are spreading rumors about these so-called "death panels." I was born in Canada and know first hand that the Canadian system, while not perfect, blows away what we have here.
Kelly, taking out the private cancer insurance was a very wise move. I have a friend who recently lost her husband to pancreatic cancer. They had private insurance (not cancer insurance), but his battle lasted many years, and involved many surgeries and treatments that the insurance would not cover. Even with insurance, she was left with TWO MILLION DOLLARS in medical bills. We need reform, for sure.