The link was very helpful, Lupita and Hops.
I've today had another difficulty with someone I work with. I can see no options as I have talked through this issues so many times. If it was a personal relationship, it would have been dead in the water years ago. He agrees he has some passive-aggressive issues. But the pattern of his behaviour continues. Oh HOW I try not to get hooked in. And then one final thing sends me over the edge. Actually, it's ridiculously funny if you look at it from the outside. HE is ridiculous.
But I am ridiculous for trusting his word, trusting his promises, for being 'helpless'. This has been going on for 8 years.
If I challenge him, he pretends 'innocence' and accuses me of being 'sarcy'. (He can't even spell!) But it's merely another 'hook'. I see the hooks. That's a big step forward.
I have spent years 'reasonably' talking this through. It's ridiculous that he continues to act out this months-long 'engagement'.
He is busy, he is disorganised, he is forgetful. I try to find excuses for him.
But as the link suggests : If we're to have a working relationship, I need honesty, respect and professionalism
He makes the relationship 'personal' and emotional by not being professional.
I've felt so ashamed about my emotions. But he's the one making it personal. I've treated him with consideration and respect and asked for professionalism in return. And I don't get it.
If I leave, I forfeit everything I've built up over 8 years. I truthfully can't afford to do that. But I have declared that the income isn't worth the misery.
Maybe not, but I'm not prepared for his lack of professionalism to leave me victimised, whether I stay or whether I go.
I have to be bigger, much much bigger so as to look down on him from a great height. I can do that. It's about time I owned my own intellectual capacity, maturity, age, worldly experience, success and talent. (Don't hate me!)
He isn't unkind. He just can't deal with anything that isn't in front of his nose. I should take pity on him.
Except I am 'in need' just now - I am exhausted, too tired, too worn out by life and circumstances and ill health. And I am desperately hurt that during my time of need, he has not 'come up to the plate'. Quite the opposite.
So my promise to myself must be 'self-care' until I am strong again. And this time, nobody will ever be allowed to push me down the slippery slope into mental breakdown again.
He has hit out like a child. He's thrown me a ball and wants me to throw it back. I'm going to choose a different ball.