Hi farfaraway,
I'm not really understanding your question, but one thing sort of stuck with me. You mention three personality types: emotional manipulator, skilled controller, pathological liar. Curious what others think, but it seems to me that these are all traits of an N. My N mother is all of these things. I have never seen her use drugs or drink anything alcoholic (not even wine). All of her behavior was the result of her personality disorder (NPD). So if you're asking if these personality types need to use drugs or alcohol in order to manipulate others, I would say no. Ns can have an amazing amount of power and control all on their own. My mother pulled off unbelievable manipulations, all while clean and sober. The people she manipulated (her victims) were also clean and sober. Her weapons were guilt, shame, words. Words are a pretty powerful weapon - maybe the most powerful of all.