Hi there Dawning...
I acted out tons as a child, particularly in school.
As I got older I stopped acting out in school but it was replaced with withdrawal and an anxiety disorder.
Though, I acted out again when even older (20’s)in a long term relationship I was in (over 12 years ago) with fits of anger, throwing things, sulking, silent treatment, being completely unreasonable, extreme moodiness… The relationship brought out all the meat of my childhood stuff...
I believe I did so because I felt helpless, voiceless, worthless, and hopeless for any change.
Thank god… I have remained friends with this person all these years, and when I came into deeper awareness, was able to sit him down, and in tears of pain (because I felt soooo bad) apologize for everything, naming specific wrongs I did, in detail, and explaining where I felt it all came from.. Very healing for us both & changed my life for the best (I would have always felt so, so bad about this).
Nowadays, what I have to fight not to act out (become overly angry) about, is when I feel disrespected, as this is a voicelessness issue for me. The feeling of being disrespected taps in to all kinds of things for me, like being judged as unintelligent, worthless, misfit… which I relate to “invisible” and voiceless. I also know though, that I am much too sensitive to this issue, and see some things with skewed perception, and more personalized, where they are not. I guess this is the usual way it goes with deep seated issues.
These times are becoming less as I continue to work on myself, but they still do happen, no doubt about it.
I can also relate to people not being tuned into my needs, because I never voiced them. I wasn’t used to it. I would see to it that the conversation & energy would always focus on other people. I was hurt that people were not there for me when I needed them, but it was completely because I had never set it up that way. I’d never presented as someone who had needs!
I’ve changed that somewhat, but only over about the last 3 or so years. I can voice needs and ask for support fairly comfortably (and it’s wonderful), but in the offline world, I still need to have more balance between self-disclosure and talking about other’s lives.