Author Topic: What is he up to?  (Read 2249 times)


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What is he up to?
« on: September 29, 2004, 01:05:39 PM »
Hello all,  :lol:

     For anyone who has been reading my posts, I have a question about my parents divorce.

     My parents have a business together and Ndad filed for divorce in April.  He called a meeting with the managers and my mother at the company and told everyone that he had filed for divorce and called my mother a liar and thief.  He told everyone that mom had been embezeling money from the company for years. (not true)  But has since had a forenzic audit done with the company finances.  He hasnt found a thing.  There has never been anything as much as a missing postage stamp at the business.

     Ndad has been trying to sell off the company assets to gain cash for himself to fund this hellish nightmare of a divorce they are going thru.  He is so hell bound of finding this money that I think he is going to destroy everyone around him to find it.  He has subpoenaed every bank in our state and even the federal government to find any bank account she has ever had to find this nonexistant money.  It's all so he can have his share of it.  But the thing is, I think he will spend every last dime he has trying to find it.  Even when he doesnt find anything he wont believe it.  He is a sick sick man.

     As far as the divorce, yesterday he said he found a company that would buy their company even tho mom wants it.  Mom had told him that he couldnt sell off the company assets as per the court order and he said "wanna bet?".  He then told her that between her and her lawyer they "dont have a brain between them".  What could he possibly be up to?  I know he's got something up his sleeve, but what is it?  He has become so consumed with greed that he is impossible.  I really feel sorry for my mother.  She has had to be so stong all her life and this is just a real blow for her.  Of course she doesnt complain but I can see how it is draining her.  Once this is all over, I will NEVER EVER speak to him or see him again.  I dont know how I am going to explain this to my daughter.  She is only 8 and he has never hurt her but he will never get the chance.  She truely adores him but i cant take that chance with her knowing what he has done to me and my family.  What a sick world N's live in.

Hatred beyond words =o(