Ami and Hops,
Thank you both for your feedback, it was helpful.
Hops I agree with Ami in that my reality was that I really know in my soul that the NT's goal was to have be shunned and rejected by others, it is a bit crazy making to dismiss that reality and that pain, it is invalidating. Hops, I do appreciate your support for my desire to extend forgiveness. It may seem that I am being obsessive about her but for the last year I put the NT out of my thoughts and heart, I had moved on to other things, healed some and let go, but, recently, some more of this pain came up, that is partially why I came back to the board to heal this last bit of woundedness from her so that I can move on, again. I am now ready for it to be finished but rarely have I had anyone in the process, except those here and my SD, validate her abuse and the trauma of what it is like to have been abused by an NM and then abused by an NT. The wounds take time to heal, I have tried to keep them private as much as possible, to just forgive and heal.
Ami -
I think you are hurting yourself MORE by your high standards for the NT, for example. I don't think God wants you, right now, to be the vehicle to heal someone who has hurt you SO badly.
This is a thought that I struggle with, I have been trying to discern, carefully how to handle this. I've been praying my heart out but little has come to me except to just be patient and to keep taking the time to heal my own wounds.
The bright side, like I said before, is that I wish her in my heart, automatically without having to work for it, no harm. It feels good to have come this far.
Thank you for reminding me and validating for me just how messed up we get growing up with and NM when so few people can understand. I awoke this morning realizing that I still need a lot of time to heal, the little voice in me that is my child, so wounded and hurting got happy in hearing me acknowledge her pain and my commitment to her to not force her to do anything that will re-injure me when I am already so fragile.
Thank you both!