Six-Word Memoirs by Larry Smith
(Milestone birthdays in half a dozen words.)
Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to tell a story in only six words. Papa came back swinging with "For sale: baby shoes, never worn." Good stuff.
Years later, SMITH Magazine, the online community I founded for personal storytelling, posed a similar challenge: Can you tell your life story in six words? Tens of thousands of people responded, and the six-word memoir was born. We published our favorites in a book, Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous & Obscure (Harper, 2008), the first in a series.
Here are a few favorites from the book:
Fifty, what the hell, just jump!
Slow learner: Life began at 50.
Barbie doesn't look 50, like me!
Defined at 21. Redefined at 57.
Nearing 60, still on rough draft.
Sixty. Still haven't forgiven my parents.
Age 70. Sexy dreams. What's next?
Yoga, meditation, workouts, art. 75. Strong.
Zero to 60 and still accelerating.
Sixty years pissin' in the breeze.
Sexy at 60, going for 70.
My sister sent me that and my first thoughts were"
"Born, laughed, cried: broken and died!"
I had no idea I was so morbid!