My NM married her history professor after she returned to college at the age of 42. This was her third marriage. The history professor was just about the nicest guy I had ever met, smart, quiet, sophisticated, dignified. Once,I questioned him about why he married my mom, which is another story.
Anyway, I never in a million years thought that I would see my mom's 3 husband, the history professor, act the ways that he acted after his marriage. Sadly, he and my NM are no longer together. What always hurt me the most was watching my mom's 3 husband lose his dignity and act like a fool out of his pure frustration and pain.
N's really do bring out the worst in us.
I've seen my ugliest sides in dealing the N's in my life in the last two years. Especially the NT. I used to be sweet and nonverbal about so much, maintaining my dignity was a priority for me, I knew that no matter what I could always at least act decent. But all that was lost in the last two years and it pains me.
I suppose much of the repressed frustration of dealing with the NT was related to my upbringing. I can look back on my childhood and see a very quiet and gracious child, even in the face of intense abuse and neglect. I wish I could be that way now, I wish I could had the gracious, hopeful inner strength Cinderella had without my voice needing to express so much that is not gracious and hopeful.
I beat myself up but I forget that that is part of the N tactics in life, they want to force their emotional disfigurement on us so that they can, silently, acting in covert aggression, knowing full well how to push our buttons, get us frustrated, losing it, and then point the finger at us saying "look she is the aggressor!"
Does anyone else have a story of how the N has brought out the worst in you?