Where neuropsych overlaps the various reasons why we're here... (and mind you, this is only me theorizing)...
is attachment disorders and a technical type of dissociation that results in us being almost completely Left/Right brain oriented. I'm going to look up some links I posted a while ago, for you. You might find some comfort - an explanation for "you" - in these two papers. They sure helped me understand "me"! From what you've posted so far about yourself, I can relate.
As far as math - I flipped out when I aced my only required math class in college (I was THAT bad at math) because I was miraculously a wiz in number bases. I could do the translations in my head, even. Geometry - is visual skill for me and I intuitively understand it - how I get to the answer is quite different than the way it's taught.
Where all this L/R brained stuff and attachment issues come together is the communication programming between the two brain areas. "Dissociation", in this context, is a malfunction in that communication programming... the variable with necessary info in one area fails to get passed to the other area, or without a specific "if... then" statement and all you get is an "error". Everything else works OK... so it's only a flaw in that specific process. Are you with me?
The author of the two papers I'm going to link for you, believes that it is possible to "repair" the SELF - or debug those neuro programming errors. Unfortunately, the book he wrote with that title - Repair of the Self - is a little hard to find. Yes, I think Amazon has it available... but I'm lazier right now, than I usually admit!
Here's the first link:
http://www.psybc.com/pdfs/library/Dysregulation_of_right_Brain_Schore_Trauma.pdfI'm going to have to try to track down the second one... or maybe your campus library can help you find work on this topic, by Allan Schore.