Author Topic: My Truth  (Read 93757 times)


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My Truth
« on: August 10, 2009, 06:37:46 PM »
I searched "depression & relationships" that is how I randomly found the voicelessness site and board here. I looked at the definition of voicelessness and it felt like me, I identified with it. I read books and articles about "adult children of alcoholics/verbally abusive relationships etc" and that sort of stuff but nothing really pinned the tail on the donkey like what I've seen here. I have been dealing with depression lately and have had some destructive personal interactions with others so that is probably why I was searching those terms together. I also was looking back at myself as a little girl, really picturing me, I was cute if I do say so myself, I didn't grow up thinking I was cute, but I do like seeing my picture as a really young child, she is so different then the adult I am now. I don't even recognize myself that well as a little girl. I grew up feeling very imperfect, but when I see the pictures of the little girl "me" I don't see any imperfection at all, I just think "what a beautiful child"- it's surreal. I remember being sad though, I also remember that at some point I must have stopped socializing normally with other kids. This wasn't always so, I can't confidently  say that it is due to voicelessness. I'm not sure what happened, I wasn't diagnosed with anything ever. It seems that I was aftraid of the other kids or I just couldn't hold my own ground, I wasn't boisterous. I couldn't follow their play interactions. I spent a lot of time by myself, it felt normal to me to be by myself. I was good at occupying myself. I probably rarely felt part of a group, I thought that was normal. I always did OK in school academically. I can't really diagnose myself here. It's an observation I was making. Psychologists say play is really important to development. Maybe I was just a sensitive child/soft/overwhelmed? Even slow? I don't know.

I can interact with people fine especially one-on-one, I can go to group classes and be fine, I've taught groups of people just fine. If I have to go to a party setting and speak small-talk I am at a complete loss, there is just nothing that comes out of me. I don't exactly mind because I've always thought small talk was not too important- although socializing really is important. I know that it's common for people to not know what to say supposedly. I think that I am probably a different case then regular social anxiety that people have. Even if a party is for me I don't like it, especially if it's for me I don't feel comfortable with the attention, even embarrassed, I endure it to be polite, I feel caught in the spot light and blinded.

These situations can really invoke a sense of shock and confusion in me. Some times when someone looks at me directly and really acknowledges me It's like my brain is trying to stabilize after just falling off a bike and hitting my head, you know when you can't see clear, and it feels disorienting and it takes a few seconds to gather oneself. Well I don't think I really ever gather myself when people talk to me directly, some times I even feel my face start to contort involuntarily (like I'm going to start crying or something)- I've always been able to push that down. It's sort of embarrassing, I have no idea what my expression actually looks like. I'm not sure that I can 100% relate that to voicelessness but it does make sense afterall it's called VOICELESSNESS. Well anyways, the end result is I have a hard time meeting people, there are other ways to meet people of course. I also walked away from those situations wondering if there was something really wrong with me, if I was stupid and didn't have anything to say. When I was younger people would often comment that I was really quiet. It's also really obvious to me when adults are competing for attention in social groups and they look immature to me, and I think "I don't want to do that-be like them". Sometimes every person is so busy trying to be heard or seen in a group that it seems like no one is really getting seen or heard, and adults do some dumb stuff to get attention. I often feel like the observer.

I cut off all of my relatives, I don't have that as a support network so of course now I'm really wondering how am I going to make a healthy support network for myself? And it is a real big challenge that is anxiety inducing. Not overwhelming anxiety but it is a struggle. There are temporary things, church, interest group classes etc. Yet I never have had strong lasting connections with people. I guess sometimes I figure that people just don't like me and I'm not useful to them. I've had some friends who are friends as long as I am useful to them- and I notice they go "poof" in the rare case that I need them. Sometimes I doubt a different life even exists, more of an ideal concept then reality. I do know people who are still very close friends with people they went to highschool with though. It seems to give them fond memories and a peer group I guess. They get help with little things, I don't think they ever have to feel like they really must do it all themselves. It's a psychological thing I think, It makes it easier to do something just knowing that one does not have to do it all oneself.

I didn't know that I was going to start talking about "lack of small talk" when I first started writing this post. If this is in fact related to voicelessness then I am considering how voicelessness impacts a person on numerous levels. Sometimes the result of not going to events and such is that 1) people don't know me 2) some people infer that I am unfriendly or that I do not like them, that I'm boring 3) I don't learn valuable information 4) It's really difficult to network 5) Since it makes me unknown and invisible in a sense it leaves me open for other people's oppionion's about who I am to shape my image.

I've been reading members stories and I'm thankful that there is a forum for those stories to come out and that people have been telling their stories. After reading others stories I started spontaneously journalling, I don't normally journal and I don't like it, yet I started writing so so much. Often I am at a loss for what to write even, seeing other's stories made me take another look at my own story and just opened an invisible valve. I guess when people are not heard, seen, understood, recognized then the story goes underground, maybe we start to disown or ignore our own stories. So this board is really important. I want to thank others for posting their stories, it has been very validating to me. VERY VALIDATING! Yes, what I experienced was real, yes my story is a real part of my life. Sometimes I look back in time (not too often) and things seem to mush together, life and time isn't delineated by special events or occasions or significant stages and "rites of passage". Years can go by where I don't remember anything significant and without remembering those things there is some loss of framework. Maybe that is just part of me not having a great memory but when I really think about this here, it makes some sense possibly that if we disown/don't tell/ignore our own stories then our history and our lives dissapate a bit. I'm not sure if I'm just making stuff up here, trying to create meaning out of something, over analyzing - it sounds right to me though.  If we don't acknowledge our own stories how can we remember anything? I experience it as a loss of life and grief. There is a lot of grief and I don't truly know all of the sources that feed into that pool of grief, there seem to be too many. I see that other people posting on this board seem to have a lot of grief/loss also.

I'm not buddist, yet I'm recalling a saying that is something like: "inside every heart is a sea of tears so great that all the worlds oceans could not contain them all". I think this is from the book umm.... Ah! "A path with heart" I felt some relief when I first read that. I have my doubts about that truth that every heart has that many tears, I think some hearts contain more tears then others. I think the people posting on this board have more tears in their hearts then the average heart.

« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 03:05:46 AM by Helen »


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Hi Helen,

What an interesting subject.  It's good to read you and I look forward to re-reading your post.  Maybe I'll respond to  some parts that I've experienced personally.




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Healthy Inner Mother Archetype
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2009, 07:46:33 PM »
I'm trying to just put all my thoughts in one place here, responding to myself.
I've been having a few snafus with posting, my computer is stalling and stuff but here it goes again...

I have tried to picture my inner healthy mother who is not a part of my FOO mother.

Some people say they had to learn to mother themselves. It is not something that I think I have been able to do for myself a lot, maybe a little. Sometimes maybe I get a glimpse, in times of trouble that connection is dim though. She maybe is there a little in the best of times.

I'm wondering if anyone out there has really connected with their own healthy inner mother? How did you find her? What is she like?

I've been thinking about my own inner mother for the last couple of days, maybe she will reveal herself to me. That is part of the reason I was remembering pictures of me as a little girl. I will see where that goes. I don't see an image of a person who asks me how I am and really means it, instead I tend to get a sense of something vast I think it is more like Gaia. Maybe this is important and useful for me or not... I need to let this incubate. 

Yeah, it's a little inner mother hum...what is that?

I wonder what it is like for people who had healthy mothers, what do they see when they imagine an inner mother? Does it always get automatically invoked for them in times of trouble?


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Dear Helen
 When I read your post, I tried to see the themes below the events. I think you lost your sense of self, as most of us  have. You seem to feel  questioning of who you are and where is your place on this earth
 I think Voicelessness  is a feeling of not belonging to ourselves and hence everywhere else.
 I am really glad you shared your heart, Helen.
 If you want to be here, I think you belong.Keep sharing, Helen !     XXXOOO   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Song "In your eyes" Peter Gabriel
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2009, 07:58:24 PM »
I'm replying to myself again... This song just came on the radio. I've always loved this song..for obvious reasons. God, I don't cry a lot-almost never- not even at movies, but I'm sitting in a public cafe writing on this board and listening to this song.. and I am trying hard not to cry.....

Here are the Lyrics:

love I get so lost, sometimes
days pass and this emptiness fills my heart
when I want to run away
I drive off in my car
but whichever way I go
I come back to the place you are

all my instincts, they return
and the grand facade, so soon will burn
without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside

in your eyes
the light the heat
in your eyes
I am complete
in your eyes
I see the doorway to a thousand churches
in your eyes
the resolution of all the fruitless searches
in your eyes
I see the light and the heat
in your eyes
oh, I want to be that complete
I want to touch the light
the heat I see in your eyes

love, I don't like to see so much pain
so much wasted and this moment keeps slipping away
I get so tired of working so hard for our survival
I look to the time with you to keep me awake and alive

and all my instincts, they return
and the grand facade, so soon will burn
without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside

in your eyes
the light the heat
in your eyes
I am complete
in your eyes
I see the doorway to a thousand churches
in your eyes
the resolution of all the fruitless searches
in your eyes
I see the light and the heat
in your eyes
oh, I want to be that complete
I want to touch the light,
the heat I see in your eyes
in your eyes in your eyes
in your eyes in your eyes
in your eyes in your eyes


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TearTracks and Ami- Hi
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2009, 09:20:16 PM »
Hi Teartracks and Ami, nice to meet you.


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Space between ribs
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2009, 09:41:00 PM »
I feel compelled to put this out there. Maybe it is useful to somebody.
I find that when I work my fingers between the spaces in my ribs (self massage) that after a while it triggers something and I start breathing differently. It doesn't last for me but it feels like a relief for as long as it does last. I can sort of get my thumbs into my back ribs.

I get a "oh my god I can breathe feeling".  It makes me realize how bad I was feeling before and how uneasy/strenuous my breath was.

I think when one is stressed or whatever the ribcage can become a literal cage that clamps down. I think this sets up a loop in a persons nervous system, and that it is useful to start breaking up this cycle at least for a few minutes here and there.


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« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2009, 10:09:41 PM »
The concept of mirroring is new to me. I see it is a common theme on this board.

Where can I find articles etc. to study this concept so I understand exactly how mirroring works?


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Pinching/squashed snails/standing up for oneself
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2009, 11:00:18 PM »
Just writing more of my stuff....

I remember clearly this moment at a baby sitters where I was pinching this little boys legs, there did not seem to be anything going on in my mind when I was doing it, I was unaware of my own motivation. The reason why I'm writing this is because at times I have tried to understand why people get pleasure out of seeing others suffer.

I also remember that when I was very young I would laugh when I heard babies cry, it was this uncontrollable response that I had, I didn't have any thoughts going through my head. I wasn't causing their crying, I wasn't a tyrant kid, but if I was in a room with a baby that was just being fussy I truly would laugh and cover my face probably hiding/sticking my face into the sofa while I was laughing? Thats weird isn't it? I'm not sure if I was laughing out of pleassure I don't think so, I think it was just some sort of emotional release.

I have not grown up to become a mean person, this memory stands out to me as a strange uncommon thing that I did. I think some child development specialists say that kids go through saddistic periods? That it is normal. Nah that doesn't really sound right to me. Maybe narcissistic people are so emotionally immature that they are stuck back in that really young stage where they don't really fully comprehend the suffering that they cause. -In the same way that kids need to learn to be gentle with pet animals, that at first kids don't really get that animals are sentient beings.

I also remember stepping on snails the sound of the crunch and the goop left behind was satisfying, I then noticed as I got older I went out of my way not to step on them and I would shudder a little if I accidentally did. I know this is not very important or significant it's just interesting to me. At what age do people learn compassion or empathy and how....

It sort of doesn't matter, I've learned that even if I some day "get" why people have hurt me and why they even seemed to enjoy it- that just understanding it does not protect me. That having insight is good but that I need a self protection that is greater then insight. I think insight is part of it. The thing is healthy people don't have to earn a PhD in psychiatry in order to protect themselves, they know how to protect themselves without understanding how they know. If asked to explain it, healthy people can't explain how they do what they do-"I don't know I just do it". I had a highschool friend tell me that "I needed to learn to stand up for myself" That was a totally true observation on my friends part. The thing is I had no idea what they were talking about and how to even go about it. A friend can say that "you need to learn how to stand up for yourself" but the friend doesn't actually understand what that process is-it is probably related to those deep internal messages about oneself- seems complicated to me. I think it is possible to get stuck in trying to understand why we were not loved, instead of learning how to feel good.

My mother did not- all out hit me that I can remember, she slapped me a couple times but I was not pummeled like some people are. The thing is, one day I broke a bone while playing by myself, accidentally. I didn't tell my mother and she did not notice. Looking back I know that a normal mother would have seen that something was not right, I wasn't hiding it. She was always occupied with something else. I guess I had learned to keep my pain to myself, maybe even ignore myself. She is really comatose in some ways. Sometimes she seems normal, but when I remember stuff like that.. no, there was something wrong with her. There was a counselor in grade school that use to talk to me, I asked to go to the counselor because my friend told me it was a way to get out of a class I didn't like, I probably did want to talk with someone. I could never really explain why I felt so anxious/upset as a kid. The counselor figured because I wasn't being physically attacked nothing was going on. He didn't seem to understand.


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Nah they know.
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2009, 11:24:09 PM »
I'm writing, writing, writing..

I wrote something about how maybe Narcissistic/abusive people don't understand the pain they are causing. I think this is false, they do seem to understand the pain they are causing. Ok, I will leave it there. Don't want to write about that anymore. Yuck.
It's hard to accept that people choose to cause pain, seek out to cause pain. That is a real psychologically hard concept for me to accept. A person can sound smart and charming or what ever and then there is a side of them the pain-causing archaic thing in them. I would think that those people would want to lift themselves up and become better, they certainly seem to see themselves through rose colored glasses. How can they live with themselves? I guess it's true some people really don't have a conscious. Some people really are full of garbage and they seek to "throw away" other people. Huh? I guess I'm just realizing how messed up narcissistic people are. Narcissistic people can gain popularity and no one would dare say that there is any thing about the N person that is less then perfect. In fact I think N people get sort of worshipped sometimes. Admiration. That is one of the things that makes it hard to fully realize their abuse. There can be other people around who buy into the N's version of reality. They are living a lie.

And there are lots of lies. And voiceless people sometimes accept the lies. Voiceless people accept that lie that we are bad and wrong. I guess that is internalizing.


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"I'm not buddist, yet I'm recalling a saying that is something like: "inside every heart is a sea of tears so great that all the worlds oceans could not contain them all". I think this is from the book umm.... Ah! "A path with heart" I felt some relief when I first read that. I have my doubts about that truth that every heart has that many tears, I think some hearts contain more tears then others. I think the people posting on this board have more tears in their hearts then the average heart."

This was so beautiful, thank you for your post and all that you wrote.

I cry a lot of tears and still I hear my mom's voice or someones telling me to stop, that is enough, you should be finished or a voice that tells me that I am just crying for sympathy when in fact I need sympathy but I have learned over the years how to give that to myself, that is precisely why I cry so much. Tears are salty, salt is a purifier, when cry I feel more cleansed of toxic thinking.

How about the beatitudes:

Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted (Matthew 5:4)


Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh. (Luke 6:21)


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Gabben- Hi nice to meet you
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2009, 12:07:22 AM »
Hi, Gabben, nice to meet you.

Yeah, I think it is ok for you to cry, I've heard some say that they go through years of crying.
I had a yoga teacher who really encouraged people to cry, in fact I think she does it on a regular basis to purify herself as you say.
Yep, they say it's healthier to let it out then keep it in. Keep it in and get sick, or let it out and get better.

There is a lot to cry about in the world, our personal problems, the worlds problems...

Actually when I think about it, people who cry are probably healthier then people who don't cry. I went through long times when I did not cry, I was numb, the feelings were there somewhere, just pushed underground, so not really alive. Numb=dead like a zombie.

I think crying is a step towards aliveness.

Sometimes life is too fast or tense to take the time to cry. And then after all that time something really big comes out, a big powerful emotion. I guess emotions can be scary. The intensity of emotions reminds me how bad I want to be fully alive.

I will have to look up the beatitudes, I would like to know what they mean exactly, there are stories behind all those sayings from the bible. I just wish I would be comforted while I'm alive, and laugh while I'm on earth rather then waiting for the after life. I did pray really hard one night and it changed my heart literally but only for a couple of days and then it reverted back to my "normal" squeezed in compressed, contracted, weary little heart.


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compassion or anger
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2009, 02:08:44 AM »
Gosh, I'm writing A LOT.
Oh well maybe I will get it all out in a couple of days and be done with it.

I have a relative who is an alcoholic, this is not my Nar-mother.

I have a lot of sadness around this person. This relative has been the epicenter of a lot of crisises. My Nar-mother also seems to add to the crisis and make them worse. That frustrates me. That my Nar-mother not only doesn't help very much but makes things worse- and sometimes as an observer I can watch that play out. Sometimes I'm angry at this alcoholic-drug addicted person, this person has not always been very kind to me. A comment this person said to me was "If I were you, I would kill myself". It was years ago but I still remember it.

Sometimes I have compassion for this relative. I know this person has suffered a lot. I'm angry for the amount of suffering this person had to endure and I'm also angry for the sadness this person caused me.

Sometimes I think this relative is an emotional manipulator, I know in fact that this person has played the conartist at times in life.

If this person was healthier, I think that if I expressed to them how much sadness I have related to them, it might be healing, but then again maybe not.

I don't plan on doing this-expression of my sadness to this person. But I think within my sadness contains some sympathy this person may need to hear. Maybe that is getting too close to the co-dependent mentality of trying to cure or help the alcoholic.

I cut this person off a long time ago, so I'm not really worried about this too much, but there is an undercurrent of something that is unhealed.

There is so much that is unhealed in the world and it just builds on top of itself like a civilization that keeps building and rebuilding on the same site over and over, on top of the skeletons, but maybe the skeletons are haunted and cursed and no matter how much civilization is built on top its going to be affected by its foundation.


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My Father
« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2009, 03:32:02 AM »
This is more of me writing out my story....
I think Katie Byron or is it Byron Katie writes books about "who would we be without our stories"? Maybe some day I will read that stuff. But for now I'm going to write my story.

My father, I don't completely know what his deal is, I can't diagnose him obviously. He is a depressive I think. I think he has some Nar-tendencies.

My father, although more emotionally available then my mother. Or was he?
Well anyways he told me that I would fail at every thing I tried to do, more then once in many ways he sent the message to me that it is not worth trying. He never laughed with me, rarely had fun with me, there were sometimes but not a lot.
He also did throw me away at times. He never took me to play sports etc. Never taught me to "catch". I was so bored as a kid, understimulated. He didn't converse with me too much. I "talked too much", no one talked back at me, and then after a few years I just got quiet, I think at some point I learned it was dangerous to draw attention to myself. Often times I didn't get to play with other kids a whole lot.

I actually feel sorry for my father, I think he is a very lonely person. I think he always wanted me to fill up his loneliness.
But I remember him "throwing me away".

I don't think my father could really ever picture me as an adult, I think that is not uncommon, I just don't think my parents ever had an image of my future. My parents were two emotionally messed up people who got together and had a kid and then got divorced of course.

Sometimes I feel like I would have to live 500 years before I could fix myself. The thought that I may never fix myself is so disappointing, well lets see I'm thinking about that the wrong way maybe. If I was fixed how would my life be different?


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Being sick
« Reply #14 on: August 11, 2009, 04:34:58 AM »
I'm all written out.. almost.

When I was a kid, I had some illnesses, I think they were worse then they should have been, I think if cared for better I would have been healtheir and sick for less time. I was sick for months it seemed. On medications from doctors that I certainly don't need to take anymore as an adult because I try to take better care of myself.

Some of my relatives said I was making my illness up, that it was all in my head, I felt really bad/frustrated when I heard this, my alcoholic relative said I was pretending to be sick to get attention-yeah right cause little kids like to lay in bed all day for days on end. I even ended up spending the night in the hospital one time. I think this all could have been lessened with good care. I remember being in bed and feeling afraid and alone. What else could I have done? I keep on feeling like I should have had more power but it makes sense to me that I didn't. None of my relatives would allow me to say this but I'm going to write it here.
My mother was neglectful. NEGLECTFUL.

I did not deserve neglect, maybe on some deep level I felt like I did something wrong to deserve the punishment of neglect.

My mother had excuses for why this happened it was usually related to "lack of money", yeah lack of money does make life more difficult but I don't think it is a valid excuse. I think there were simple solutions to my illness would not have cost her any money. I think the medication was more expensive then preventing it in the first place. She didn't bother to learn about my illness, to this day she still doesn't understand it. what sort of person does not learn about their child's illness?

If I was to say to my mother "you never believed in me" she would say, "we didn't have enough money for that".