Hi Ami,
You gave a fantastic description of your Sunday: the guests, your feelings, your H.
I have an idea, it's an experiment, hope you try it:
What I heard is that you are constantly tortured by your 'inner dialogue/monologue': The NM tapes telling you you're bad, you don't deserve anything good, etc. Then, you go into a anxious, panicky free fall of self doubt, where you, in your inner dialogue/monologue, question almost everything you think, desire, need, want to do & do. IMO, this is a torturous way to live.
So, here's the experiment: do not listen to your inner dialogue/monologue for 3 days. Just do what you want to do (of course, you have to figure out what you want to do). In other words, promise yourself that for 3 days you will banish your second guessing of yourself & your self doubt, you will NOT listen to the NM tapes, nor your inner dialogue/monologue. You will just live in the moment with a quiet mind & not keep thinking, thinking, thinking.
IMO, I think your biggest problem is that your second guessing of yourself & your self doubt trumps almost everything you do. So, for 3 days, throw away your second guessing of yourself & your self doubt. See how it feels to make a decision & not worry if it's the wrong decision. So, what if the decision is wrong? We, as humans, are allowed to make mistakes.
I think what's valuable about this is that you will excercize a 'muscle' that perhaps you haven't excersized in a long time, which is to live in the moment, free of self doubt, secure in your own skin.
What do you think?