So..... maybe instead of tai chi.... you swing for a bit? and then tai chi?
or vice versa? Does the little girl like tai chi? I know Twiggy (my inner child) does...
I sense you might be avoiding things that feel good - because in a weird way - feeling good hurts. Boy! do I know that place... it's scary, painful, and there's this pressure of "what if I don't do it right"????? And then, it all doubles in on itself making an ugly tangled ball of crap, all tangled up with flotsam & jetsam details... and it's just EASIER to not even go there. Or maybe that's just my own experience and yours is very different.
But there IS, for me, still... this fear of feeling good... and while I "think" it's stupid in the extreme - worthy of all of the clinical neurosis' diagnoses that exist - I respect the reasons why my inner "little girl" - Twiggy - feels this way. We used to be two people; that's no longer so clear anymore... we're merging... integrating... becoming one & the same person. I describe it as getting "younger" all the time. Twiggy went through some s*&$, to be sure. And I'm still amazed at how tough she was... able to come through everything... and still be the same pure self. It's difficult, sometimes, to live up to her standards in my life... but she has her reasons... I respect them. She is very, very precious to me.
The first time I indulged her, we left hubby alone for 6 hours on a Sat, to go draw an owl in a natural history museum. It's something Twiggy always wanted to do. By accident - chance - or synchronicity - I saw an ad offering just such an opportunity for free. It felt incredibly selfish, neglectful and mean. But despite that: there was this sense of total peace that came from that one small indulgence. There simply wasn't a "discussion" on whether this was a worthy use of my time... whether hubby would eat while I was gone... or anything. And it truly didn't matter if I finished the drawing or not... it was just time that I allowed Twiggy - the inner little girl - to do what she wanted to do. That, dear friend, was the valuable thing. I couldn't explain it - justify it - at the time. Just something I had to do....
it looked sounded like fun.