I know about painting "feelings"; did it myself for quite a long time. And your visual metaohors are right up my alley - they communicate clearly & directly to me. Loved the balloon heads - or frog eggs, even, particularly seen as potential "being". Maybe that's why I connected so strongly with your writing - your expression of your self is visual, too.
We aren't working on the same thing, you and I, right now. Yet there are overlaps - and some of the things you're writing about and thinking about really open up new perspectives for me, in my own work. Things I didn't know how to say, can now be said using your metaphors... or understood, even.
The balloons - yes, we can push them back at the people who create them. I'm thinking that the balloons represent that person's perceptions of us; how they see and define us. They have to own that balloon - it doesn't belong to us - it's not us. I don't think any of the balloons could be called "me". "Me" is the person holding on to, selecting, the balloons. Maybe balloons = personality or identity?
What I've gotten used to calling "roles". I have multiple roles: mom, grandma, wife, employee, employer, sometimes artist, sometimes writer, sometimes pirate or indian. So for me, the balloons are associated with those roles, how and who I am in those roles...
"me" however is something else. I am the "chooser" of today's balloon. I have a closet full of balloons - like different hats that I wear. Choosing involves emotion - even as simple as like/dislike. Some roles have more complex emotions associated with them. And I think I have very private balloons that I created... ones that I feel aren't completely "socially acceptable" ... or have been TAUGHT that aren't "socially acceptable" - and so I keep them private, mostly. They do get pulled out here, a lot more. But, ya know what? I'm coming to the conclusion, now, that maybe those balloons are feelings, instead.
And that I've been taught my feelings aren't socially acceptable... making ME that way... because of course, I can't exactly not own my own feelings. I'm sorta stuck with them until they change by themselves... or I choose to feel another one. I guess those are the private balloons.
Any of that make any sense? Can you do anything with that?