On the subject of losing dignity
I am a mild-mannered person, I swear to god, I feel like nobody will believe anything I proclaim about myself, I know I am. I like to garden and read books while sitting under trees etc. It’s just who I am I’m a peaceful person mostly. I do get pent-up anger, rarely, but it’s there.
So, A few weeks ago I was in church. I saw a woman with a couple of friends, they sat down a few rows in front of me. I didn’t see the person’s face but the hair cut and earrings and shape of the shoulders and even the jacket she was wearing looked exactly like one of my co-workers. I was looking intently at the nape of her neck and trying to glimpse the side of her face. I no longer could concentrate on what the church pastor was saying, the verbal stream of the sermon faded into the background. I could feel my body tense. My mind imagined this scenario of a b*tch fight there in church. How embarrassing that would be! I don’t b*tch fight but these coworkers went too far. These coworkers were friends with the Narcissist coworker who used relational aggression against me at work. It brought out my voicelessness, the voicelessness that I had thought I conquered once and for all when I started that job.
I'm thinking: "How dare she go to church that hypocrite! How dare she go to the same church that I go to, can’t she find her own church? Oh, how can those people live with themselves. Don’t they see how much suffering they inflict, why don’t they see all of the pain they cause. Liar!!! You F’ing Liar!!! You Phony!!!!"
I’m picturing that I’m going to act like a rabid wild animal, if she walks by me and looks at my face with a gloating expression, trying to see my face twist into an expression of pain, then I’m going to pop up out of the Pugh and hurtle myself towards her, bang. And I’m on top of her, pushing her down. I’m ripping her flesh apart in my teeth like a mountain lion. I’m ripping her hair out, slapping her, I’m screaming all sorts of things that don’t make any sense because I’m so angry I’m stupid. I’m jumping up and down on her, trying to break every bone in her body, trying to break her as much as my spirit was broken by her. I might even be roaring. That’s how I feel.
I know these coworkers must be afraid of me on some level, I’ve seen them around town. They think it’s a joke but they also know there is rage built up inside of me. They want to see me blow up, they want to see me lose it. They want to see me lose control and look bad, so that they can validate all the bad things they said about me.
There is another way for me to regain my personal power. There is and I’m gonna find it.
I imagine what that primal fight would look like in church to the other congregants. They would say that she didn’t do anything to me. That it was unprovoked. They would shower sympathy on her for ever after. I would be the crazy one. I would be banned from that church. Nobody in the church would understand why I did it. If any congregants recognized me on the street they would look at me with fear and ostracism in their eyes.
I’m a little repulsed by the idea of hurting someone, I don’t get pleasure from it.
I know for a fact that I don’t have it in me to really hurt someone. I think my co-workers know that too, they know how nice I really am, and that is part of the reason why they choose me to hate, because they counted on me not retaliating. My limbs just don’t function, even if I have that emotion, my body is weak and would not do that. My arms and legs would refuse to cooperate with my emotions. My body would be flaccid but my anger would be raging. I think my coworkers can’t stand my niceness, I think it makes them feel bad about themselves. I am sort of Pollyannaish at work, I do it to cope with the stress of work. I blast goodness around me at work to try and create a safe little bubble that will protect me from sarcasm, speculation, and gossip and everything else.
It turns out that the person sitting in front of me was not the co-worker.
If it had been, I probably only would have gone home and screamed. I might find some object to throw in the garbage.
It’s an all-beliefs are welcome church. I’m not a big follower of god.
I’m unclear about my own religious beliefs, they are a mish-mash.
I think I believe in the Tao, I took an online-“what religion are you” test and I think the result was that I’m a “quaker”. Ok, whatever.