my mother knows I go to therapy but thinks my therapist brainwashes me and when I told her that she needed therapy, I have told her before, she said almost the same thing,,,God is my Therapist, I don't need one, I can talk to God. I said I talk to God to and its good to pray but while your on this earth you need someone you can physically talk to about your problems. My husband is dear to me but now because of my mother saying that my therapist brainwashes me, when we don't agree on something and we are arguing and it's over something from my past, or dealing with my mom, or something that somehow has been affected by my NM my husband makes little comments now too about brainwashing...My therapist knows I married someone like my mom but yet my husband is very good to me, at times I love my husband so much and other times I can't stand him because of the way he treats me. Has anyone ever felt this way and any suggestions on how to handle it, deal with it, deal with you feelings? I don't want to leave him I tell my therapist, I feel that if he would get cs, he started to but said we can't afford it and wants me to do couples cs because he doesn't want to go along, but I need to go to individual cs at this time and feel that he should go to individual cs for awhile and then at a later time we could get marital cs, that things could get better, we do have fun but there are times I just can't stand him...