Author Topic: Peeling Back Layers of the "Onion"  (Read 1178 times)


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Peeling Back Layers of the "Onion"
« on: August 23, 2009, 01:53:17 PM »
On another thread, Bones & Izzy discussed what Bones called "peeling back layers of the onion".

Ah, yes, the "Onion".  The Onion is the pearl (pearl onion?) which is the legacy left to us by our NFOOs.  I deal with my onion everyday.  To peel it or pickle it:  that is the question, the issue.  But, I don't think it's an 'either/or'.  Yesterday, like many days, I both peeled & pickled.  Some days, I only peel & some days I only pickle & some days, I do both.

I think the peel/pickle is yin/yang.  I cannot pickle the onion & "move on" until I've peeled it.  I ruminate & keep peeling, but, eventually, the peeling leads to new truths, like I was raised in a f*ck'd up FOO, but, no one told me that, no one knew it was f*ck'd up, but, due to the peeling, I finally got to see that.

For me, I think the pickling is when I can accept a particular "truth", a particular 'skin of the onion', like, my NM was so controlling because she was ruled by fear & it's taken me a long time to see that.  And, I wouldn't have seen that had I not peeled the onion.  Now, I'm accepting this truth & as I absorb that acceptance, I can 'pickle' that layer of the onion.

IMO, I can't pickle w/o peeling, nor peel w/o pickling.  Peeling is my search for the truth & once I feel the truth & accept it, I try to pickle it & move on to the next layer.

Pickling & peeling is the 'road less traveled'.  It's a lonely road, but a very honorable & difficult road.  It's the only road I know to lead me out & into the place I want to be.


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Re: Peeling Back Layers of the "Onion"
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2009, 07:29:03 PM »
Thank you for your post,((( Ann))). I never thought of it in those terms--pickling and peeling.
 I think I am peeling, right now. I am seeing how my F(the "good "one) betrayed me by denying my reality when I realized my M molested me. WHO would ever want to make that up or exaggerate it? I repressed it ,totally ,until it came up out of repression ,on it's own ,when I had a safe person to talk to.
 The betrayal of my F really hurts cuz he was not a "nut" and "crazy person" like my M and I trusted him. Thank you for your post and for being here!!      xxooo  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Peeling Back Layers of the "Onion"
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2009, 07:32:48 PM »
 I wonder sometimes if the reasons we feel the pain of the effects of narcissism (in a FOO) is because we're the ones who seek to understand it, to peel the onion...and then to pickle it.

I have a sibling who has no interest in looking at it, let alone peeling the onion...He seems not to feel any of the pain I do...

Or, perhaps it is the other way around.  Perhaps we peel the onion because the narcissism has affected us the most, causing us the most pain?

Just a thought


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Re: Peeling Back Layers of the "Onion"
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2009, 09:16:15 PM »
Hi Ami & Sun,

I love what each of you has written.

Ami, I know what you mean:  You thought your F was the 'good one', but, now you see he collaborated with your NM.  This new perspective just turns our world upside down, inside out.  What is reality?  What is the truth?   Who were we?  Who are we?  Peel, peel, peel & hopefully, eventually pickle.

Sun, I don't know who's better or worse off:  The one who sees the truth & feels hurt or the one who is oblivious to the truth, to reality.  Peel, peel, peel & hopefully, eventually pickle.
