Author Topic: How Ns minimize our accomplishments.  (Read 6228 times)


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Re: How Ns minimize our accomplishments.
« Reply #30 on: August 16, 2009, 09:43:03 PM »
Thank you Hopalong, Seasons, and Lupita for your kind words.

Just returned from spending time with NFOO.  It was very enlightening for me. First, I envisioned
myself surrounded by an invisible forcefield. None of the old tactics, gestures or ridicule can penetrate and get to me. I see myself as present, but more as an observer, as if I were peeking in through a keyhole or window. Just some "survival tactics" that I recently put into motion:

1: Practice calm facial expressions in the mirror.

2: Write down answers to typical button pushing comments.

3: Make sure I'm rested and not hungry.

4: Do something pleasant before any interactions with N.

5: Do something pleasurable after any interactions with Ns.

6: Silence can be a most effective tool.

7: Remain grounded in reality.

8: There is always the door. I can leave. Calmly!

9: Magical thinking is for children, I am an adult!

10: Their opinions do not define me or my reality.

11: I am not responsible for their behavioral issues.

12: Do not spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about any incidents or comments made.

 This list might sound tiresome, but for me it has become like breathing..easy and flowing. 
 We don't give great thought to what our bodies do automatically, but these responses cause us   live!

  There was one tight moment this weekend, but it came and went, without me disintergrating as usual. With Ns there will always be a tight moment or two, or maybe 100! (lol!).

   And no, I'm not so smart or even that well read.. I just became truly tired of it all. As I said in a previous post, too many decades of this dance macabre has gone on.  I'm getting up there, it's now or never to claim some happiness for myself.

  They say that all of us have an aura about our being.  I want to exhibit a clean and beautiful one. An aura that will attract and not repel people.  I want a healthy 3D life!  It's up to me to do the work. Ns occupy less and less of my thought life. 

  I identify with Helen, I absolutely love trees and nature in general.  While driving across country this weekend (with FOO), I marveled at the beauty of the countryside. Farmers selling their corn, all manner of fruits and vegetables. Oh! and the horses and cows! I was so immersed in the beauty that was before me, I didn't allow myself time to be intangled in the web. BUT! Ns can't just leave you be... N took this opportunity ( remember I'm in their car for 12 hours!), to bring up a devastating incident that had taken place several decades ago! At first I felt like the proverbial "deer in headlights", WHATTTT! Then after a few awkward moments, I remembered the steps above, and all was well (with me anyway). So you see I'm not there yet, but I'm trying.  Years ago I would have been consumed by rage, making myself very unpleasant to be around! Nope! I won't go down that road again (I hope not).
I guess I seemed too peaceful, enjoying myself, they needed their N supply, to knock me down and snap me out of not being engrossed in them!
Hate takes alot of energy. You have to keep focus on the person or persons you feel have wronged you. Then what? Hate takes a toll on your physical and emotional health. What or where can you go with hate? Yes, plan revenge? That takes up more of our thought process. Suppose the object of your hate is deceased? Then they are still controlling and able to manipulate us from the grave.

One day, along, long time ago...I was thinking about a nasty series if incidents with NFOO...and you know what I realized??? They were all either on cruises, flying around the world, or in some exotic place ENJOYING themselves!!!!! And here I was, sitting in my house miserable!!!  Now understand me, it was not their fault that I was in that state..but what I believed about myself. I had allowed the fiery darts to penetrate my being that I was not worthy!! Hops if you're reading this, I have to agree our inner Ns damaged us. Healthy sense of self esteem was never nurtured. I unwittingly conspired in my own downfall.  An example, I love horses, there is a stable not far from my home. I used to go and just sit and watch the youngsters have their riding lessons. What happened to me doing the things that I love to do?  NO! I cannot allow any more time to be wasted with what will NEVER be!!  Life isn' just for Ns!!!

Love and best wishes to all on board the board  Indired :D


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Re: How Ns minimize our accomplishments.
« Reply #31 on: August 16, 2009, 10:56:24 PM »
Just wanted to add something to the post above.

I hope that I didn't come off as being "preachy" about hate. I was only expressing my experience. Emotions are real and should be respected, no matter what. Fed on it for decades, but it left me lonely, and miserable. Indiered


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Re: How Ns minimize our accomplishments.
« Reply #32 on: August 17, 2009, 08:01:21 AM »
Indiered, that was an excellent post. In fact, I am going to print it and study it as exercise for daily purposes. It helps me when children disrespect me at owrk, I work with teen agers and they are horrible some times. So, your post is an excellent help for me, not only with Ns but with life in general. Low energy people are all over the place. You need to do that with any low energe people athat are arouind you.

Thank you.


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Re: How Ns minimize our accomplishments.
« Reply #33 on: August 17, 2009, 08:51:14 AM »

That is leadership and I am grateful for your checklist.

Boy, you really tested yourself with a 12-hour drive with them!

Kudos on staying inside your body and enjoying beauty.

VERY impressive.

off to work,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: How Ns minimize our accomplishments.
« Reply #34 on: August 17, 2009, 12:57:08 PM »
Wow.  That is a great list Indie.  I've been stumbling my way toward a few of these methods over the years.  On my last NFOO visit I spent a lot of time just sitting back watching the birds and animals outside go by as the N's went about their self absorbed babbling. I've found I can get to a place of detachment where it becomes more sad than damaging to me.  I still have a lot of trouble keeping away from replaying old incidents in my head (Item 12).  It's almost as if I do it to remind myself to not get caught believing things ever really change with the FOO.   


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Re: How Ns minimize our accomplishments.
« Reply #35 on: August 19, 2009, 04:53:03 AM »
Thanks to all who replied to my posts.

I have a long road ahead to healing.  Have learned so much from all on this board.  I am truly grateful.  Indiered


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Re: How Ns minimize our accomplishments.
« Reply #36 on: August 19, 2009, 05:01:18 AM »
Thanks to all who replied to my posts.

I have a long road ahead to healing.  Have learned so much from all on this board.  I am truly grateful.  Indiered

Just read your threads. How beautiful and inspiring. Thank YOU so much !!        xxoo   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: How Ns minimize our accomplishments.
« Reply #37 on: August 20, 2009, 08:06:12 PM »
Dearest Ami,

Thank you for your warm and heartfelt reply.

I have recently changed shifts after working for eons on the overnight 11pm-7am.

There was much that I liked about those hours, but it had begun to take a toll on me physically and emotionally. Now I'm up and out before the chickens, on my feet constantly (impossible to even take lunch), the workload is just inhumane!  I limp my way home and just collapse.

I'm finding myself slipping into a semi state of depression (if there is such a thing)! Now don't get me wrong, I'm not adverse to hard work...but this is just ridiculous!!

Last week, I called out from work hours in advance, for one day. Guess what? My agency then cancelled me for three days!!!! Every bone in my body ached, my poor feet swollen beyond recognition!!

Ok, Ok, Indie...take a deep breath...and ask ...what can you do to change this situation?

1: Consider going back to working 11-7am

2: Consider changing vocation

3: Deal with it and plan your exit!!!!

4: Become more organized and efficient at work

5: Concentrate on hitting the Lottery LOL!!!!

6:  Campaign to abolish modern day slavery!!

7:  Keep repeating "It's only a test"!

8:  Give up an join a commune!!

9:   Become a nun!! Hey No more rent!!

10: Face reality!! I'm just one of millions in this sinking boat!!!!!

Woke up today.....drum roll my cable, internet, and phone turned offfffffff!!!

Had to "rob Peter to pay Paul"!!!, but I'm back for now until the next go-round lol!!!

It's just a matter of day to day survival for millions of us out there. 

Sorry for my rant, but I had to let off some built up steam.  Perhaps I should have started a new thread.  I've definatly noticed, that when I'm in "survival mode" Ns do not occupy as much of my thought life. "Pins and needles needles and pins, it's a happy man that grins". Quote from Ralph Cramdon on the Honeymooners. Love to all...Indiered


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Re: How Ns minimize our accomplishments.
« Reply #38 on: August 20, 2009, 09:32:37 PM »
Dearest Ami,

Thank you for your warm and heartfelt reply.

I have recently changed shifts after working for eons on the overnight 11pm-7am.

There was much that I liked about those hours, but it had begun to take a toll on me physically and emotionally. Now I'm up and out before the chickens, on my feet constantly (impossible to even take lunch), the workload is just inhumane!  I limp my way home and just collapse.

I'm finding myself slipping into a semi state of depression (if there is such a thing)! Now don't get me wrong, I'm not adverse to hard work...but this is just ridiculous!!

Last week, I called out from work hours in advance, for one day. Guess what? My agency then cancelled me for three days!!!! Every bone in my body ached, my poor feet swollen beyond recognition!!

Ok, Ok, Indie...take a deep breath...and ask ...what can you do to change this situation?

1: Consider going back to working 11-7am

2: Consider changing vocation

3: Deal with it and plan your exit!!!!

4: Become more organized and efficient at work

5: Concentrate on hitting the Lottery LOL!!!!

6:  Campaign to abolish modern day slavery!!

7:  Keep repeating "It's only a test"!

8:  Give up an join a commune!!

9:   Become a nun!! Hey No more rent!!

10: Face reality!! I'm just one of millions in this sinking boat!!!!!

Woke up today.....drum roll my cable, internet, and phone turned offfffffff!!!

Had to "rob Peter to pay Paul"!!!, but I'm back for now until the next go-round lol!!!

It's just a matter of day to day survival for millions of us out there. 

Sorry for my rant, but I had to let off some built up steam.  Perhaps I should have started a new thread.  I've definatly noticed, that when I'm in "survival mode" Ns do not occupy as much of my thought life. "Pins and needles needles and pins, it's a happy man that grins". Quote from Ralph Cramdon on the Honeymooners. Love to all...Indiered

What a sweet spirit you have Indie!            xxoo   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: How Ns minimize our accomplishments.
« Reply #39 on: August 21, 2009, 10:50:29 PM »
Thank You Ami!

You are amazing :D!


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Re: How Ns minimize our accomplishments.
« Reply #40 on: August 21, 2009, 10:55:55 PM »
I'm so sorry, Indiered,

I know what it's like to work in physical pain.

I am angry you have to suffer to survive.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: How Ns minimize our accomplishments.
« Reply #41 on: August 22, 2009, 12:21:16 PM »
Thanks Hops,

I was just venting.  Indiered


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Re: How Ns minimize our accomplishments.
« Reply #42 on: August 22, 2009, 12:42:28 PM »
Vent more.

Any time.

It is not fair.

I remember the staff at the nursing home.

How kind they were.

How I could not in a million years have done what they do (because of my back).

How certain I am they were underpaid.

They were not me or my mother.

I was so grateful for their patience and gentleness with her.

If that's the sort of work you do...THANK YOU for your humanity.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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RE: Indiered
« Reply #43 on: August 22, 2009, 03:14:38 PM »

Hiya, Indiered,

I like your emergency, survival action plan for Nar-people exposure!

It's sort of like a Haz-mat response checklist.

It looks very proactive.


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Re: How Ns minimize our accomplishments.
« Reply #44 on: August 24, 2009, 09:30:48 PM »
Thank you Helen and Hops!

Yes I do work in the healthcare field, for a few decades now. I appreciate your acknowledgement of the hard work done by many dedicated workers.

I am trying to learn better techniques for stress management.  My coworkers are very accommodating, and there is a true spirit of team work.

Something has really struck me recently while in this new facility.  I have Never seen the type of love, dedication, and loyalty, shown by various family members for their loved ones, as I have here.
Sons, daughters, husbands and friends visit daily. While I love seeing these interactions, I wondered why I felt a sense of sadness as an observer.  Then I realized, thinking about all of us on this board, how all of us at some point will have to deal with the aging of NPs,  How many of them will miss the daily visits, and comforting presence of those who truly love them. I wonder about their life stories that have inspired such love and compassion until the end.  The husband that visits daily and holds his wife's' hand, feeds her, talks to her.  The daughter that never fails to visit, with genuine love in her eyes.

Then I was able to name the emotion I was experiencing...grief, for myself and for all of us on this board, who have been hurt beyond measure by Ns, and who probably never will be able to share the loving comfort that I am currently witnessing ( to aging Ns).
