I am rather in a state of frustration, [pain of course for 5 months] wanitng to talk to only one sister and to my house lady and my therapist. The latter two have gone throughh excessive pain, so they understand.
From my sister.... and my disappointment with my daughter....
I think (what do I know?) that [your daughter] is going through her own stuff, searching to find her place in life. She, like most mothers, knows that she will be the best mother that God ever put on the face of the earth until she realizes that our influence and control over our children lasts for a very few short years and then they do their own thing and we may or may not be in sync with the way they end up. In spite of all of their faults and the mistakes they made, I do not believe (and I am sure that you don’t either) that either Mom or Dad ever woke up in the morning trying to figure out ways to ignore Izzy today. They were too busy trying to figure out how to get through their own day. They were going through their own stuff. Think of how horrible it must have been for them to have their baby son die and yet they buried those feelings and emotions to such an extent that the event was little more than a memorable event in my/your young life. Many people, so I have heard, never recover from the loss of a child and I believe that our parents must have suffered so much more than we ever knew. This is where we learned not to talk about our feelings.
And a prevous email when she tried to find out where I was----after the March 09 hit...
Same thoughts as I about my GP......
I did not have a good experience talking with [my Dr.] Dr. Y’s nurse/receptionist/technician/whatever, but I managed not to be rude in case you got the repercussions of my attitude, but I don’t think I like the doctor much either. I think we have to remember that “no doctor cares as much about us as we do” and, therefore, “no doctor can look after us as well as we look after ourselves.” It appears to be important for you to take notes and date them and write out your questions/concerns before you go and hand him the paper (you have a copy in your hand) and then you can more properly gauge his attitude and thoroughness. If you say, “You said, in April, that . . . and I am wondering, now, . . .” then he would have to acknowledge that he did. It doesn’t have to be confrontational, just facts. Good luck with him. Too bad doctors are so scarce.
I think this sister, 18 months younger than I, has some smarts, as we often do, for someone else, but not for ourselves, and out of the 4 siblings I have , she is the only one to reciprocate.
...................but wait until you see her husband!