I don't know about movies, but I can contribute some books ... L.M. Montgomery hit narcissism on the head in several of her books! To be honest, until I started reading people's biographical stories on this message board, I thought Montgomery was exaggerating her characters. If you have never read her books, the ones I am particularly talking about are: Jane of Lantern Hill (the maternal grandmother in the story is a narcissistic tyrant, the paternal aunt is a narcissistic sneak); The Blue Castle (about an ACON kept under the thumb of an entire narcissistic clan until ... until ... well, I won't spoil the story in case somebody really gets interested and goes out to get it). In both of these books the female protagonist is voiceless (until she acquires a voice, that is!).
In Emily of New Moon, there are a couple of minor characters that are narcissistic, and one of the main characters, Aunt Elizabeth, is an ACON that became very rigid and cold due to her father's narcissism. However, if you read the whole story, you realize she is NOT narcissistic but just has an impaired ability to connect with Emily due to her own childhood. L.M. Montgomery had to have either experienced narcissism in her own family or at least to have observed it very close up.