Mine is 85 and still mean as a snake. I rarely see her and she is the ignoring type unless she wants something so no need for NC. She and my N aunt are coming to visit for Labor Day weekend. It was either me or my sis who desperately needs a day off without stress.
They have already informed me that none of the food I provided last time was good enough....My mother drinks, gets an upset stomach and then blames it on the last food or medication she took. Both are very ADHD so no watching a movie. They want me to drive them around, something I hate, especially with our overactive police force that will be setting up multiple sobriety checkpoints.
They will walk in the door and switch my TV to some political channel, preferably with a screaming commentator. If I ask them to change it to something civilized I will hear that they are guests and get to do what they want.
Hopefully they will come on Saturday and leave on Sunday.... Can't wait to see them back out the driveway.