Author Topic: Book: The emotion code  (Read 1342 times)


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Book: The emotion code
« on: September 01, 2009, 07:03:14 AM »
Has anybody read this book? Is it good?


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« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2009, 07:37:47 AM »
Has anybody tried this?
A few months after developing and using a number of Core Belief Matrices with clients who had personality disorders, I began to notice that some of their rigid, negative character structures were softening and changing! As I wrote more and more Matrices and focused my attention on character structures, I began to suspect that character structures must consist of Matrices of Core Beliefs. It seemed as if trauma was the foundation for negative character structures, and Core Beliefs, and to a lesser extent desires and fantasies, were the girders which hold up the characterological edifice. If this was the case, Seemorg Matrix Work could transform character structures by clearing traumatic emotions and transforming Core Beliefs, desires, and fantasies.

It began to seem that Seemorg Matrix Work could treat the personality disorders and other hard-to-treat disorders. And having spent 10 years early in my therapeutic career treating cancer, auto-immune, and heart patients with approaches pioneered by Lawrence LeShan and Carl Simonton, I suspected that Matrix could probably be used to treat diseases with a strong traumatic component as well. And if it could treat the physical and psychological levels, it probably could treat spiritual and creative blockages of various kinds. And all because trauma and its aftereffects-- negative Core Beliefs, destructive desires and fantasies-- must be the basic building blocks of all these kinds of issues.

And this has been my experience. In subsequent months, my clients taught me that, a trauma is any occurrence which, when we think of it or it is triggered by some present event, evokes difficult emotions and/or physical symptoms, conditions, or diseases, gives rise to negative beliefs, desires, fantasies, compulsions, obsessions, addictions and/or dissociation, blocks the development of positive qualities and spiritual connection, and/or fractures human wholeness. I learned from them that most disorders having any of these symptoms could be cleared by clearing the underlying traumatic emotions, core traumatic patterns, and core beliefs. More complex disorders required that desires, fantasies, obsessions, compulsions, addictions, sensitivities, diseases, and more be cleared as well. As I followed where my clients led me, one new Seemorg Matrix Work protocol emerged after another, and suffering decreased.