Hi Everybody,
Just wanting to say hello and introduce myself to people, as this is my first post on this board. I don't know for definite if my mum has NPD as she has never had any psychiatric help or intervention, but I have read around the subject and found myself nodding in agreement to so much of what I read! I also wonder if my step-dad has the same condition; they have a very odd relationship together.
I have one sister I see regularly and no contact with anyone else in my family. Things with my mum got so bad that I had to threaten an injunction and have her arrested before she finally left me alone. My sister is great and I am very lucky to have her; the rest of my family totally believe all the awful things my mum tells them about me and so I keep away from them all, it was just too much energy to keep trying to fit in with them.
I was posting before on another forum but there were problems there because it wasn't moderated. Another user suggested this site and I have recognised some names as I've read through the posts, so hi to some familiar faces.
Looking forward to getting to know people and learning from their experiences, and hopefully being able to help others by sharing mine.