Yes, bean...
and what I found I wasn't safe from - in the here & now - was my own feelings; of interacting with others in a trusting, emotional fashion. (and yeah - there was trauma in the story too - but the "I'm not safe" is a lot less about the trauma than it is my relationship or lack thereof with my mother)
I sort of stumbled into my own "safety" lately. Very, very accidentally... though I'd been on the path looking for it, for a long long time. Right now, I couldn't even describe it... even to identify all the specific events that led to getting there (I know some)... it was more a cumulative, practice kind of process.
From where I sit, you're right about it not coming through talk or intellectualization. I'll be most interested in what your T suggests! I'm just flummoxed when I try to find any "advice" about this... ok - wait: one thing I did was write, obsessively... here and in many journals... going over & over my story from all kinds of angles, perspectives, emotions... and I got the sense that I was slowly circulating something up through a spiral... and because of that process - and fortuitous situations I've found myself in - I was able to break out of the "not safe" bubble. That doesn't seem very helpful; but that is what I did.
For past trauma, I did "inner child" work.