I recently bought a kayak because I have always thought it would be fun to paddle around in the waves. Mine is a sit on top kayak which is self bailing and unsinkable, so I don't have to worry about the learning curve associated with "rolling" the boat and then removing the water. I can just have FUN. Not only is/was my mother terrified of water, but she hated anything that required practice toward mastery. She always had a way of interrupting my attempts to get good at anything. I'm wondering what you guys have done to "break the rules" since you've reach adulthood. Have any of you discovered/rediscovered passions as adults??
This is such a great question, Sealynx.
It highlights how the NM did NOT want you to excel or only in the areas she deemed OK.
I have some areas in my life that I have good self esteem in. Others I am a wreak

I have good self esteem and boundaries about my body. I have never been pushed by a man in to places i did not want to go. My GM taught me to be a "lady" and I always had confidence in myself in this area.
My M left my mind alone as far as studying . She left me alone as far as creativity BUT she razed me to the ground in thinking I was BAD for having emotions and thoughts which were not perfect.
That is the fight I am in now. Am I BAD when I think selfish ,ego centric, petty. gossipy etc thoughts? I still think I am but it is getting better little by little.
I am doing things I always wanted to do such as music and studying Spanish but my M always allowed me to pursue things like that. I am glad you and the other friends from the website are here
