Don't do this. You have lots of fears I am reading from you. I'm not pretty enough. Lies playing in your head, old tapes, of lies.
He is newly out of a marriage and with a good or bad one, comes grief, healing's because something has come to an end.
You say he is wounded and was sad.
You also said he does not want commitment he is not ready.
I don't see anything you have written that appears to me that he does not enjoy you, is lying, is un-interested in you. It it appears he is and enjoys dating you.
It appears he wants to take things slow and is exclusive to nothing. He should not be Lup. Nor should you.
Right now you both are on a *get to know you* level and there is not timing on that.
I don't see anything in his email either that is a Dump you email. I see a nice had a good time with you note and how you are an amazing woman.
It sounds like he has some *emotional baggage* to deal with Lup and sad times are upon him. He needs to work it out.
Not you. It does not belong to you.
He was quiet because he was sad and nothing ...We the world can change that but Healing of Wounds (ours).
Can you deal with this Lup? He is newly divorced and had a bad day. Can you just date and enjoy and expect nothing more then just date for now?
He's trying to move on and sometimes As we all know...easier said then done and it's not always *fun* for others to be around us at moment. Those moments can sneak up and bite you in the butt when you don't even see them coming..And has nothing to do with the other person you were with..(as in your date that night).
Maybe he should have not asked you out that night for it was the day of his divorce. He may have not know this was going to happen. He probably didn't want to stay home and wanted to enjoy your company (as he said he did). He just has some working out of things/emotions of his own.
And again, you don't know him that well. He could be wonderful, an N, a Jerk, but you don't know him.
You know what N said to me one time...You only know what I tell you...And boy that was the truth....for then. Wish I had got to know him better with time...I jumped to quick....and ignored my gut.
Are you wondering at all Lup if this man is just newly out of a marriage and has some Healing to do and he needs to be exclusive to that even if he just puts toes in the water and dates to get to know another..such as you.
No commitment, no exclusive, just dating and getting to know another...for now. Slow.
Also if your gut is telling you something about ths man then go with it but you seem to be more disappointed and insecure with his contact to you and that he is not doing the ...I want to see you then, and when, and today, and I'll call you tommorrow, and this weekend, and since it's not you think there is something wrong with you. There is not.
It's just dating and seems to be really Normal..Slow.
Your getting to know him. You already know (from what I gathered) from your reads...that last date he was sad because he was divorced that very day and quiet on his ride home.....You attached that to you. I'm not pretty enough. He is wounded, lup.
And you didn't do it. So don't take it on that your not pretty enough. We cannot fix others wounds. He is feeling it as we feel wounds.
You are dating a wounded/healing man.
I remember he mentioned he is not ready for a commited relationship and I mentioned that I would only go for exclusivity since the opposite of excusivity is promiscuity
his wife just left him five months ago and the divorced was just finalized, and he was sad about it. At least that is what he told me.
Once told to me by my ex-h...You only know what I tell you...that is the most truth he ever said.
He could be wounded/healing, a Predator, and N, a Prince, anything Lup...You know nothing about him but you know yourself.
Listen to your gut feelings, trust yourself, Not your lies in your head old tapes..(not good enough) and like Hops said, observe.
He probably has a lot of emotional baggage he has not dealt with. It's only 5 months since his wife left him.
You only know truly What he Tells you...which could be truth..or non...truth...
Slow's a risk..which is worth taking (dating) with open eyes, mind, ears, and again...Observations.
Use all your knowledge you have learned. You are equipped and have tools.
Your self judging. Oh it's because I'm not pretty enough?
It may be because...He is telling you..I'm not exclusive, I'm not ready, I'm wounded, but I sure do like you and think you are an amazing woman with an amazing son. I may have a lot of baggage, issues, to heal from or I could be a jerk.
This comes with dating and just getting to know some one Slowwwwly......we all want to rush time when you enjoy the other...and all pull out our insecurities when it don't feel right to whatever (the individual) is feeling.
So this Lup seems Normal dating to me...more normal then I had done in the past. At least this time (and seems for him too) we are aware of ..take it slow. Do it right. And Observe.
Remember he is newly out of a marriage as insecure with dating, himself, his feelings, as you are. Maybe?
So many things to feel time...getting to know each other...and ..your gut.