Well, absolutely it is, mud, because I never ever leave the club or talk to anyone except my customers, and of course they are all exactly the same kind of person.
Actually, I also have a bachelors in Psychology and quite a bit of experience dealing with men in all sorts of professional/interpersonal/romantic/friendly contexts. I talk to literally hundreds of people a month, both at work and in other places. I talk to my friends (who are either men or who are in love with men) and my customers (who are really every kind of man you can imagine, from a couple of 20-something farm boys to retired doctors and lawyers). I read extensively about sex, love, relationships, and other psychology and work-related subjects.
Most of what I have read and experienced in my 20+ years of working with men and in male-dominated fields (besides a dancer I have been a soldier and an electronics store manager, a warehouse worker and an emergency room technician) supports my original statement. Most men just do not know what they want, and don't know how to figure it out.