Author Topic: The Sex and Sexual Repression Thread  (Read 6999 times)


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Re: The Sex and Sexual Repression Thread
« Reply #30 on: September 23, 2009, 07:54:36 PM »
As an exotic dancer, it is my professional opinion that many or even most men are boiling pots of unexamined sexual emotions.

As an exotic dancer it is possible your sample population might be somewhat skewed, no?


Redhead Erin

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Re: The Sex and Sexual Repression Thread
« Reply #31 on: September 24, 2009, 12:27:17 AM »
Well, absolutely it is, mud, because I never ever leave the club or talk to anyone except my customers, and of course they are all  exactly the same kind of person.  :wink:

Actually, I also have a bachelors in Psychology and quite a bit of experience dealing with men in all sorts of professional/interpersonal/romantic/friendly contexts.  I talk to literally hundreds of people a month, both at work and in other places.  I talk to my friends (who are either men or who are in love with men) and my customers (who are really every kind of man you can imagine, from a couple of 20-something farm boys to retired doctors and lawyers). I read extensively about sex, love, relationships, and other psychology and work-related subjects. 

Most of what I have read and experienced in my 20+ years of working with men and in male-dominated fields (besides a dancer I have been a soldier and an electronics store manager, a warehouse worker and an emergency room technician) supports my original statement.  Most men just do not know what they want, and don't know how to figure it out.


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Re: The Sex and Sexual Repression Thread
« Reply #32 on: September 24, 2009, 06:47:32 AM »
Most men just do not know what they want, and don't know how to figure it out.

If you changed the word "men" to "people", you could set that statement as a sub-title for this board!  :?

Most people dont know what they want nor how to figure out what they want.  Looking deeply into our own true wants and needs can be scarey and overwhelming...and many of us put off the process for as long as possible.

Actually, you could make a whole case study out of me if you were waiting on me as an electronics store manager.  I have been looking at big screen TVs for the last five years.  I regularly engage salesmen to give me an education about the merits of different models.  I am always "on the verge" of buying one...but I never do.  Can't decide.  Sheesh.

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Re: The Sex and Sexual Repression Thread
« Reply #33 on: September 24, 2009, 01:02:42 PM »
Well, absolutely it is, mud, because I never ever leave the club or talk to anyone except my customers, and of course they are all  exactly the same kind of person.

I was probably thrown by the phrase "As an exotic dancer, it is my professional opinion......"



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Re: The Sex and Sexual Repression Thread
« Reply #34 on: September 26, 2009, 02:55:51 PM »


I have no personal comment on the 'sex' thing.  However, Dr. Oz says that 200 times a year between partners is healthy.   He seems like a well reasoned man to me...
