Hi All,
Last night I received a phone call from my Nmother basically commanding me to come to her home on Sunday. The reason is, my nephew who recently married, is going to be there with his new wife. This is not a purely social visit; he's going to be installing some window blinds in her upstairs bedroom. Purely social visits are not allowed.
As a little background, in an earlier post I referred to a huge argument I had with my Nmother when she accused this nephew of stealing some cash from her house while she was asleep. The nephew lives 200 or so miles away and doesn't have a key to her house, and anyway later she found the missing cash. Still, he's her favorite grandchild, so I must be there.
I'm just beginning to realize that even as a child I was an accessory, kind of a lap dog when I was small and now as an adult in my mid fifties I've become kind of the family screw-up who would be happy to attend any gathering because I have nothing else to do.
I don't want to go, but I will go. My stomach is in knots and I know exactly how it will be. My nephew will be upstairs installing the blinds and my sister, the new wife, and I will be downstairs while my Nmother basically smothers the bride with her so called charm. My sister will beam appreciatively, and I will sit there, keep my mouth shut, and smile appropriately because I will have absolutely nothing to contribute to the "conversation".
After the visit, my Nmother will tear the new wife apart. She's already complaining that it's too bad my nephew has to "drag her around when he has work to do."
Any opinions or suggestions on getting through this will be welcome. When I was a kid I'd just bring a book, but I doubt that would be acceptable today. I've already been advised that I MUST abandon my diet (I've lost 45 pounds in the last year and a half ...YAY!) and have pizza to "be sociable." Ackkkkk, I don't think so, Mom.
I know I could just not go, but I don't want the nephew and his wife to think I'm avoiding them, and my nephew adheres to the unwritten rule of no family visits that are not sanctioned by the Nmother/Grandmother.