Author Topic: What is my problem with S E X?  (Read 1611 times)


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What is my problem with S E X?
« on: October 13, 2004, 09:33:47 AM »
Ok, so I think maybe I'm turning prudish. Am I turning into my parents? Trying hard to resist harsh judgement of others, if its going to be based on my issues. I'm not talking sex in relationships. I'm talking sex for sex sake.
I recently met a girl who has had a few 'flings' in the past. Up until she told me this she was great (in my mind). She still *is* really cool in my mind. Shes a really nice girl, a bit messed up, maybe. She has had difficulty forming close relationships in general, partly, I would assume, hence the flings, I'm guessing, and tells me there was more to them than sex. To be honest I'm a bit clueless about relationships as it stands. I enjoy talking to her, even though we haven't met, and have talked quite a bit, but when this girls not around, she turns into the wicked witch of the west in my mind (or is it east?).
I mean, I'm so in denial and closed up probably, regarding my pain, that this is one of the few things that causes me to genuinly hurt...just the thought of sex in non-serious relationships. Why does it bother me so much? Why is it such an issue? Does such a cold (in my mind!) 'using' of each other by two people remind me of that kind of detached arrangment in my childhood? But I can't get to grips with it, and find it hard to comprehend the cutting off of feelings people do at times (despite the hypocrisy inherant in that statement, coming from me!).


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Re: What is my problem with S E X?
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2004, 12:43:42 PM »
Dear James Brown,

This is quite interesting and complex. I think you have fond feelings toward this girl. Maybe you wish she hadn't given you "too much information" and maybe you're hurt and angry about that. That she brought up her meaningless flings could make anyone a bit confused. What is she trying to tell you? That she's also using you? That she hopes you'll accept her with her flaws and mistakes? That she wants to have more flings and tell you about them? That she regrets her past and can't admit it? I don't know.

My feeling is that both of you probably need to explore your own pain and confusion about relating to others in a meaningful way. And I suggest that therapy is a great way to do this.



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Re: What is my problem with S E X?
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2004, 06:53:34 AM »
Thanks Bunny  :) . Cj here, I hadn't logged in. I need to stop being so reliant on people, and work things out for myself more :S. (hard as it is, when it comes to dealing with others, being this way...!). Your answer was helpful though, and made me realised I'd dismissed my feelings somewhat, or nto given them enough regard. :) I find a lot of the time funnily enough that when I reply to replies (somewhat like therapy) I realise mid flow the answer I am looking for (consciously or otherwise)! And thus don't need to ask it lol. Interesting....

Cj  :)