Hi (((Ales2)))
You're not in their eyes.
It's their eyes fading with some judgment that comes from inside them, not from you being/doing.
Someone who condemns you, looks at you in a disparaging way...they've got a sight problem. They're losing their own precious ability to see...
You are separate from them, their busy thoughts. You're fine. They can think, blablabla, you're still fine.
But perhaps you feel as though you "leak" into the eyes of others, little pieces of yourself floating off, lodging in other people's faces, and you're not sure how to gather yourself together again. So you feel weaker.
It's only boundary stuff. Feeling entitled to a warm strong envelope of self, within which you are good and safe. You know you are good and you like your company.
I think Nsurvivors can create/layer/strengthen those envelopes. We can tuck ourselves in in a more contained way. Balanced inside ourselves, as though we've learned some emotional yoga.
Compassion for yourself. Loving thoughts that are sincere. Direct them at your inner girl, who's shaken by others. Talk her through it. Remind her she is learning and growing. That she's stronger than she knew.
It's only practice you need. You are not fatally leaky. You're just patching. You'll be stronger in those places.