Hi Erin,
I think there may be lawsuits galore lurking somewhere! There were mistakes during the pregnancy and birth that may have contributed to my son's problems and the way he's been dealt with has been horrendous from start to finish. From what I can make out these child protection allegations were just written up as fact and passed along without any evidence or information from anyone who actually knew me or my son. When we were eventually investigated by social services (two years after she first started making allegations, it seems) the social workers admitted lying in their reports (they never interviewed me, just wrote up what my mum told them about my parenting which was all false) and ignored procedure throughout the entire process. The whole thing is a huge colossal mess and my poor little lad is caught right in the middle of it all. I have checked out the possibility of getting a lawsuit going and I have another three years in which to do so, so at least I don't have to try and cope with that as well as everything else at the minute! Will definitely follow it up, though, I am sick and tired of being pushed around by people.
Hi Mo2,
The policeman took the picture with him last night, I spoke to him today and they're arranging a video statement for next week and after that they should be able to tell me whether or not they can arrest him and what happens next. I spoke to my sister and she's known for years! He never molested her, it seems, or her daughter which is something to be grateful for, but she said she wasn't suprised that he did it and that she believed me and would support me - very different from my mum's reaction! So it was a relief to tell her and get it off my chest, although she was pretty upset and obviously she has to tell her children which isn't going to be nice. But at least it's out in the open now.
Ironically I don't feel very brave at the minute! The house is locked up like a fortress, I'm jumping at every little noise and I nearly battered the cat when she leapt at me from the window ledge as I walked past, I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest! I'm terrified of what they're going to do when they find out I've been to the police but I'm not backing down this time. I'm sick of being scared all the time and always thinking everything I do is wrong. I have to go to my counsellor, tell her how I reacted to something and ask her if that's what normal people do, because I have no idea how normal people react to every day events and situations. How warped is that? I don't want to live like it anymore and I don't want my son growing up with this as his legacy, so I'm pushing ahead regardless - although a desert island still feels like a very tempting prospect!
Thanks again to everyone for your help and support, I really appreciate it.