Hello, Erin,
I personally have gained weight for the first time in my life, I'm certainly not obese, but I don't fit into my favorite sexy pants anymore. I have always been very healthy and into exercise and physical activities. In part I think it was precipitated by being around other people with bad eatting habits. Only in part. I have heard that weight gain is directly related to stress hormone levels. I've never tried to go on a diet or lose weight. I may start soon.
Good luck Erin.
I personally enjoy healthy food and exercise a lot, more then being lethargic and eatting junk, it seems like it is just a matter of getting all the ducks in a row.
The "Why Bother" thinking comes into the whole body thing.
For me, the last two-three years have been my worst for "WHY BOTHER" when it comes to my body. It was precipitated by some surgery I had for minor cancer issue.
A friend of mine got a subscription to weight watchers, there are support groups and online resources. I never tried anything like that but it worked very well for him. I could SEE a huge difference. He looked healthier and happier and more energetic. For him personally the support groups encouraged him to stay on track and provided that positive peer group experience he needed.