Author Topic: living with an N is insidious  (Read 2096 times)


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living with an N is insidious
« on: October 06, 2009, 04:22:29 PM »

Living with an N is insidious in that no matter how much you understand them, see the way that they twist reality to suit their needs and agendas, no matter how much you try to be patient and faithfilled in just not controlling back the way the N controls with lies and manipulation, no matter how much you try to love/affirm the N's face with niceness in order to keep the peace, inevitably you are going to lose sanity a sense of emotional health when you live with an N, UNLESS YOU CONFORM TO THEIR WORLD OF warped EXPECTATIONS.

My roommate is an Nish type A wannabe personality. She sees me as just an object to use to live her life and further her agendas. That is Ok with me. As long as she pays the rent and shows minable respect for the house rules even if the only reason that she respects anything is out of her fear and her selfish agendas, that is OK that she does not like me or rather even hates me.

Through living with an N I have learned to just suffer more (offer things up), deny self more and let go more. All good stuff for my own spiritual growth. But in the end I feel that N's tear you down on unconscious levels. It is INSIDIOUS. They, subtly move about with silence treatments and projection in such a way that in my attempt to want normalcy and consideration I feel wrong to even expect or want these things, therefore, I start denying my voice all over again, withholding saying anything, discounting my reality and feeling like I am being defined as rude for trying to express to someone, the N in my life, that her behavior is rude.

I think that I can handle the N's, I get strong in my ability to stand but then I realize that the long term dynamics of living with an N has worn me down and I am tired. I just want to express to her, the n roomie, how unhappy I have been living with her and ask her to think about moving when she can. It is my place, my apartment. However, if I do this the N will revenge her way back and accuse me of abuse. ....bleh, I just turn it over to God, again and pray that she moves out or has a huge miracle "face-losing"  change.

Ah...the twisted reality of N's.....ugh!


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Re: living with an N is insidious
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2009, 05:30:17 PM »
But in the end I feel that N's tear you down on unconscious levels. It is INSIDIOUS. They, subtly move about with silence treatments and projection in such a way that in my attempt to want normalcy and consideration I feel wrong to even expect or want these things, therefore, I start denying my voice all over again, withholding saying anything, discounting my reality and feeling like I am being defined as rude for trying to express to someone, the N in my life, that her behavior is rude.

Uh,,, this just about says it all.  Sorry to hear you are going through this. I still hard to believe its Ok to stand up for myself, because they really have a way of warign us down to where (for me anyway) that I am not good enough to ask for a decent amount of respect.  I have to remember, oh yeah, an N, I MUST stand up for myself, its almost entitlement with me now because it just has to be done to protect myself.

Maybe she'll move out on her own, until then, hang in there!  All the best to you,


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Re: living with an N is insidious
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2009, 05:56:29 PM »
Sorry, Lise, about your situation. It is hard all around. I hope she moves out on her own. That would be the best, it seems.
                                                                                                                    xxoo  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

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   Carl Jung


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Re: living with an N is insidious
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2009, 12:18:59 AM »
Thank you Ami and Ales2.

I'm sorry that I have not been more available here on the board to give support to others. I have been wrapped up in my own stuff, these days, not too emotionally available for others -- I hope that changes, soon.


The N makes you feel guilty for having needs, they punish you in the various ways that N's punish us, silent treatment, cold and cruel passive behavior, etc.. It is so gosh darn frustrating, but I can say that is positive is that what amazes me is how I am able to withstand it in relative calm compared to where I would have been two years ago, say with the NT, who triggered the deep N wounds of my N mom. Now I can stand up and stand up for myself, a little more, still need to get to the point where I can simply just know that my needs are OK and to express them is OK, even if the N can't stand it and even if the N is going to aggress back, impuning negative motives on me for trying to have a voice.

Example: I need silence, I love silence. I feel wrong for needing and wanting silence, something that I value more than gold. I want my apartment to have cell free zones such as the living room and kitchen, common sense when 3 or 4 people are living together, correct? But not for my roommate, she would or could not grasp that others do not want to hear her cell phone conversations in the common areas of house. Therefore, I decided to say something, however, at first I was passive and frustrated, knowing that I cannot say anything to her about life under the same roof with her without her responding in N anger, taking offense to what she perceives is an attack on her character rather than exactly what it is, my just needing and wanting silence and proper cell phone etiquette.

 Bottom line, the N's cannot empathize.

Thanks for letting me get this out, I love this board!

It feels that it has taken years to get to a place where I can actually breath, a little, and then a N steals my breath away, again, twisting me into what they need me to be in order for them to gasp ALL the air and suck the life out of me, bleh.


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Re: living with an N is insidious
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2009, 02:35:59 AM »
I feel for you. Hopefully this N will leave on her own but otherwise maybe it would be best to get her to move. I know how difficult that is. I had a girl helping me with my two horses but then she moved from the village to a city and traveling to the stables was going to be a problem for her. I was able to lease one of the two horses to somebody else but after a while I decided to sell that horse. The girl then broke in on my Hotmail account and deleted e-mails from parties who were interested in buying the horse! So yes, unfortunately you never know what crazy things people might do.


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Re: living with an N is insidious
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2009, 07:14:12 AM »
Living with an N is insidious in that no matter how much you understand them, see the way that they twist reality to suit their needs and agendas, no matter how much you try to be patient and faithfilled in just not controlling back the way the N controls with lies and manipulation, no matter how much you try to love/affirm the N's face with niceness in order to keep the peace, inevitably you are going to lose sanity a sense of emotional health when you live with an N, UNLESS YOU CONFORM TO THEIR WORLD OF warped EXPECTATIONS.

Dear Lise,

Just reading this made me exhausted for you. Play either side of the coin and it is a losing battle. Unbelievably frustrating.
They must control the silence, IMO, it is one of their biggest tools of abuse.
They don't use silence in a respectful way, it's a way of erasing your existence from my experience.

So by you asking for silence, no cell phone etc. in a healthy way and place...... you are asking your roommate to loose her audience?
An N will not respect any rules of common courtesy.

I hope your roommate leaves soon for your own health. What ever needs to be done to make that happen, I pray for you.
Your home should be a safe place of solace for you.

Bless you, seasons
"Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak Kindly. Leave the Rest to God."
Maya Angelou


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Re: living with an N is insidious
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2009, 12:41:16 PM »
Hi Seasons and Lucky,

Thank you. In the last few days I have felt much better than I have felt in years, real peace settling in in moment of light and hope still amidst the dark trials I have been going through and the old emotional crosses I have had to carry to heal, but difference in perspective and outlook, a positive difference.

I have a room coming/opening up for rent in about a month I am praying that God brings me a good roommate, one that is less on the N side and more on the side of where I am in terms of priorities of life goals, or at least seeking recovery and healing or a deeper relationship with God rather than a deeper relationship with the world's audience.

So, now, I am still a confused mess, not knowing if I should just allow myself to be walked on or if I should stand up for myself and be assertive, or if I should just peacefully suffer my roommate who at times is not that bad, actually she can be really nice as the charismatic N's are...?? What to do...I just keep praying.

Thanks for your input and validation. The N's make you feel so wrong and I feel so punished, again, for just expressing my needs and what bothers me, in terms of behavior with an N.

I think to myself that if I ask my N roommate to move that she may retaliate. Therefore, I just assert myself as gently as possible, try to be kind and gentle, work to accept her and even like her in warmth and forgiveness. She has made changes, despite her silent treatments, she has adjusted and worked to respect my rules, mostly out of fear, but that is good enough for me. I dunno, it would be nice to live with someone I like and have more friendship and warmth, but, for now, what God brings me is her, therefore, I am trying to just accept her and love rather than hate the N in my life.


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Re: living with an N is insidious
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2009, 06:29:00 AM »
I totally agree: I don't think that there is a way to live with an N and not let it tear you down.

I remember that I had this silly notion about NM - if I do the things she likes, then she will be ok with me. It never happened because she was so volatile. I never knew which side of the bed she would wake up on. It was highly frustrating, I guess mainly because they don't accept boundaries and nobody can be happy without strong boundaries.

Can you not find a different roommate? I went to see a room once whose landlady was unhappy with her tennant. She was doing the search behind her back (the landlady was lovely btw, I met her through a friend) and she would ask her to go only when she found a person she was happy with. I know it doesn't seem honest but it was the only way she could do it: she had given plenty of warning to her tennant and she needed the money.

whatever is happening, you have every right to protect yourself emotionally.



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Re: living with an N is insidious
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2009, 03:35:36 PM »

And if I don't get the silent retreat time I need, I go all jumpy.

I hear you.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: living with an N is insidious
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2009, 03:47:09 PM »
Hi Persphone,

Thanks for your post.

My experience with Narcissism goes beyond just my FOO or even my own Narcissistic tendencies.  I've come to encounter, through relationship, a couple of high profile N's in my life where my initial response was one of bewilderment, mass confusion and eventually these relationships triggered the much deeper insidious wounds that growing up with a wounded N mom embedded in me. In other words, my core was unstable and unable to withstand the abuses of any N. My foundation was shaky and vulnerable to a catastrophic level; in my upbringing years my self- esteem was corroded and broken down into believing that if someone, for instance, shunned me, was aggressive/oppressive, competitive, jealous and or just plain rude that it was ALL my fault and ALWAYS my fault. For that is what my Nmom taught me, her pain was my fault, the bad treatment that I got was my fault, the emotional abuse was my fault and exactly what I deserved.

Fortunately, I was able to use these high profile painful N relationships to help me unravel the damage done to my core in my N family or FOO stuff - that "it is all my fault" belief system which was always my first lens in viewing the world. Through tears, the re-experiencing of trauma, the painful memories as well as taking full responsibility for my actions, fears and my own N stuff I was able to develop a more healthy core, today I stand with that much improved core self that CAN live with an Nish type person and not hate or feel the need to retaliate, my core is able to withstand, better, the insults, gaslighting and lack of boundaries that N's thrust into our world.

Although, at times, it feels that I am being worn down, it finally occurred to me that living with an N is actually building up my strength, vision and self esteem to act favorably, with kindness and gentleness, no matter what.  In other words it is the ability to overcome life's obstacles without amputating a person from my life or without aggression back in my own retaliation, or amputating myself from life.

It may seem that I am enabling her in her N behavior by allowing her to live with me but really I am thinking of her best interest, she loves my apartment, loves it! Therefore, I use her love of materialism (as a bargaining chip) to help her more towards spirituality or inner growth; she would never think to move no matter how unhappy I am with living with her because she uses my comfortably decorated appartmet to shed glory to herself through bringing her constant stream of friends through (not as much after I have set limits with her on this) and showing them the place. Now, this seems petty of me and small minded, but the painful fact of this using me behavior is the objectification aspect and her lack of boundaries. She has grown and changed some, in her own way. She has respected my limits as well as taken steps to improve herself. That is good, for what motives she does this I do not know, it could be for her hopes in fulfilling her worldly agendas or whatever, the point is on some level she gets something more constructive/positive, seeds planted, perhaps.

I would hate for her to wake up from her slumber in Alice in Wonderland, but, one day, she will,and to have to think back to how mean I was to her or unacceptting of her, that would only make her healing more difficult; in her case it would not be constructive for me to be aggressive or forceful to her. She has a good heart and really does not want to hurt anyone, she is just wounded and blind.


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Re: living with an N is insidious
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2009, 03:49:52 PM »

And if I don't get the silent retreat time I need, I go all jumpy.

I hear you.

ahhhh thank you!

Cell phones are so annoying. Something else my N roomie does is hymm and sing to herself out loud when she enters the common areas and I am there as well. Now, that may seem petty of me too but it is as if she is in constant need of ALL attention, ALL affirmation, ALL audiance, ALL my time, energy and she needs to absorb ALL the space around her without consideration of my needs.  Bleh...I offer it up.