hi sunblue...is because as a child of an N mom, I, like others in my shoes, were taught not to have our own dreams.
Another viewpoint is what I grew up thinking, not taught, as nothing was said, is that my parents were dirtpoor farmers abused by their parents and I (we) was/were never encouraged about anything at which we might have excelled, or at least in which we had an interest. Perhaps coming from farming parents, and being farmers themselves, they knew nothing beyond that, i.e. that one of their 5 children could excel at nursing, teaching, whatever. At this point when we 5 are all over 65, eldest was an RN and went on to be a nursing supervisor, and hobby was at golfing, one became a teacher, my brother an OPP in Ontario, and a good honest cop he was. The remaining sister and I just took a course and became office workers. That's all I ever did, was office type work but excelling in figures, payroll, bookkeeping, etc, but as a little girl I wanted to own a candy store so I would have a constant supply of candy.
My daughter aspired to be an astronaut, from her interest in Sci-fi shows, movies and TV. I never tried to talk her out of it, as I figured she would grow out of that, and she took off to University in the Sciences program. (I was afraid she'd become one and something would happen and 20 years later she would fall from the sky, dead, on my front lawn.) Anyway she met the N and life was all downhill after marrying him, even her education. Until she left him, divorced and finally earned Degrees from a University education in Midwifery and Hynotherapy!
As my life progressed from age 4 to 53, I had bumbled around on the piano, by ear. I began writing lyrics and music, and I still cannot play or sing, but I know all the notes and music theory, and I am now writing a song for Susan Boyle. I love this and it's only a hobby, as is my Website Building that I learned from scratch, as well, but all this came so much later in life.
I have learned though, at least with my family, that if one has a talent, but no Degree, none of them pay attention. Had I taken lessons and become a famous concert pianist (but I would have had to start about age 4, when I did sneak into the parlour to learn on my own) or own my own Website Business from some College course, I might be recognized as being good at something and being 'successful'. I just don't have the Degrees.
It is the next generation down, my nieces and nephews, from the 4 of them who each had 2 kids (and I had one., mentioned above) An orthopedic Surgeon, on staff for Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Marboros and Toronto Maple Leafs, now in Texas... A chiropractor,...a lawyer... a teacher... a paramedic and a cop. Now the sister who took office work as I did, the N, her 2 are a truck driver and a waitress, mine has Degrees, but to me it is not all about the degrees, the schooling, the prestige!
Just a minute!..What was the topic?
Oh ya! Dreams. Well now I wonder if there is a difference in an N mother stealing dreams, or a parent who never tells you that you are allowed to dream. I don't consider my Mom was an N.
I just make all my money by being crashed around by cars and filing law suits. Little did I know that that was the way I would survive in life (but suffer all along the way!!) I have to feel there is a reason for all this and I can only come up with, a way $$$ to survive, and it was never a dream of mine--just a dirty trick from somewhere, but this'll keep me 'til I nod off to the Great Beyond.
I am not being pathetic here. It's the way it was and is and ever shall be, now that I'm 70 and with a paining groin, I'll never have sex again!
Ah Well
Such is Life!