Hi Ami
How Interesting that you have reached this point, in examining yourself, and 'No' you are not mentally ill
I, too, after my experiences with Ns, or other toxic types, began my self-examination by asking myself, what it was about me that I 'attract'/am attracted to these 'toxics' in my lfe, and my first 2 answers were that I had no basic boundaries, and to have those and keep them I had to stick up for (assert) myself. So I worked on that while maintaining No contact with the N/toxic--I use the toxic word for those who are just that, toxic to me but not necessarily a full blown N.
Then as you are doing, I read different articles on how a young child would know to 'tune out' abuse, both physical and emotional, but I had pretty well guessed that the trauma was too much and an automatic defense system comes into play which knocks out that memory. I can see too how the 'alters' come into play. I don't think I have any, yet I recall 2-3 occasions when I had to give a speech. I was prepared with my material but not to face the crowd, and all 3 times I did well, but don't remember giving the speech. This would be a mild example of "some other part of me' doing it, and doing it right!
I don't have enough 'gaps' in my life to believe I 'split'.
and Twoapenny
The gaps that you speak of are more indicative to me of your living a different way, like from 12-17. Don't think I am saying that you split! That is for a therapist to determine but to me my lack of gaps tell me I didn't split. What does your therapist say about these areas you mentioned in your post? I would be interested to know!
I can relate to the ball example and the inability to respond. Something so traumatic was happening to me, for instance a long raging session from an N, or a beating and raging from my father, that I was frozen in place and all of me ended up in a ball at the pit of my stomach. Just stunned speechless and motionless.
Hang in all