Hi HeartofPilgrimage,
My experience is limited, but I feel confident saying this. I think the most valuable thing you can provide for her is behavioral contrast, N vs non-N. In other words, IF your DIL and her MIL have a strong N bent, then you can provide the opposite when spending time with the child. I think her mother's & grandmothers behaviors should be off limit topics between you and her (and I don't mean to insinuate that they have not been.) With youngsters, there are so many ways to present the antithesis of the damaging behaviors of others. GOOD EXAMPLES ARE IRREPLACEABLE! If you simply demonstrate loving, sensible, sensitive, fun, & stress free, safe, consistent, quality time while with your granddaughter, (ENTERING HER WORLD) she WILL notice. And though some things may be working against her on the home front, that kind of input will make a huge difference, just as was mentioned by others on your thread.