Dear Sharon,
I believe our reaction to things in life. is a direct response to the way our NM's raised us. I, too, was constantly criticized and judged. I am sure I wrote when first joining, the terrible teacher I had in 3rd and 4th grade. EVERY day she ridiculed me and made fun of me in front of the other students, calling me stupid, etc. And the kids, being the 8 year olds that they were, carried this harassment onto the playground. I was largely ostracized. I had no protection at home, as NM blamed ME for what was going on in school.
I am now, and have been for years, a staunch fighter for the "underdog", and always have to buck the system. It has gotten me into some trouble in a few jobs I have had (by trouble I mean, management did not like me very well.)
Also, I hate it when I feel someone is trying to treat me like a child. My husband, at times, says things, and that is how I react to him. Sometimes I feel guilty for that, because perhaps he really isn't intending to make me feel that way, but that is how I perceive it.
When i was a kid, I was DESPERATE to make friends, and went overboard, thus driving people away. I was always worrying I would say the wrong thing to someone. Now, altough I enjoy having friends, it is not paramount to my happiness.
What happened to you, while playing the game, would have made me angry, and i probably would have responded accordingly. I don't know what advice I can give you, except that I thin k, with age, some of those terrible insecurities our mothers have instilled in us, just lessens, and loses power. I hope that happens for you, as well. Hugs, Judy