It has to do with being an independent person :in my own right, thinking for myself, feeling my own feelings, seeing with my own eyes, figuring out my own way, what feels good, right, wise with my OWN gut and head. I think ALL if that is BAD.
That is what BAD is--all of the above.
I want to be strong, confident, independent,able to stand alone .
Everything with wanting to be a SELF is bad :whatever that may be--needs, wants, independence, not wanting to take care of other's needs, not wanting have to fix others,not wanting to make others feel better, just wanting to feel my own feelings, thoughts, perceptions , trust them and act with protecting myself.
Being FOR yourself is BAD.
All this is BAD but when I read it--it seems healthy. Maybe all that is what emotional health is.
What BAD really is ---is taking care of yourself.