Author Topic: In What Area of Your Life Did Your N Parent Hurt You the Most?  (Read 3076 times)


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Re: In What Area of Your Life Did Your N Parent Hurt You the Most?
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2009, 08:14:11 PM »
Thank you Erin and Judy

The NM has a mission to destroy the sense of self and identity that a good parent would want you to have. It is opposed to all that is good and pure in life.
 The N parent is the proverbial curse. We are in a sorority that no one would  want to join!                  xxxoo  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: In What Area of Your Life Did Your N Parent Hurt You the Most?
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2009, 05:48:06 AM »
Umm there are so many ways.  I guess the area most hurt is my abiltiy to trust.  I can't even get close to my husband. It took me 10 years to trust a friend to tell her about my gay son.  (She had no problem) I can't trust my husband with my feelings and thoughts--not because of him--because of NM.  I am afraiid of EVERYONE.  I have to be so careful. 

I rarely have conversations with co-workers that don't center around work.  NM taught me that my opinions, thoughts, and experiences were wrong.  For example, I told her I don't like plays or musicals. Her response was "where did I go wrong. "

I never really learned to do girly things growing up.  I never had friends over, nor did I go to friends houses.  I actuallly didn't have any friends outside school as a teenager.  I am an outisder watching other people have fun and enjoy life.  I just observe.  I can't join iin; I don't know how.  When I'm with people who are having a conversation, I lilsten, but have no thoughts of my own.  Someone will ask me my opinion, and I'll have none--because I learned from NM that my opinions don't matter.

I hate being the observer.  I don't know HOW to join in.  I'm just blank.  I'm invisible.

The thing that I hate more than anything that NM did to me was that I can feel humiliated very easily.  Humiliation is the worst feeling in the world to me.  I will feel soooo ashamed and embarrassed, which is one reason I cannot trust people.  I can't have them shaming me. 

My NM and NF supported my education but nothing else.  I never learned social skills, how to dance, how to be a friend, how to wear make-up, how to dress, how to clean, how to maintain a car, how to cook.  There were things they wouldn't let me do.  I could not use the turntable for records and was not allowed my own record player. I never got to listen to the music all the other kids listened to at the time except on the radio.  I had no allowance, nor was I allowed to get a job. I was given $10 a month for clothes.  Since I had stopped growing, they though I didn't need new clothes.  I was not allowed to wash the car, so it stayed dirty, even though I wanted to wash it. 

 I was told which university I had to go to if I wanted them to pay for it.  No choice.  i was told which instrument I had to play if I wanted to be in band-flute.  I think the only reason I did well in school was that I would receive praise for good grades.  But I would feel bad if I did not make a 100.  If I did make a 100, it was obviously too easy.

I can't get too excited about good things happening to me because if I do they might get taken away. So I hold in my happy feelings.  Anger comes out real easily though.

I so wish I could redo my childhood with healthy parents.  What I could have achieved.  Hmm, maybe I should be a teenager again.  The first thing that comes to mind is I could buy CD's and a sound system with speakers and everything.  I have a very old boom box and about 5 CD's.  There is no music in the house.  I'll ask my 25 year old son what kids are listening to these days. 

I should try new things.  I don't usually because of the fear, anxiety.  Does anybody know what teenagers do?  Sorry, I'm rambling. 


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Re: In What Area of Your Life Did Your N Parent Hurt You the Most?
« Reply #17 on: November 01, 2009, 07:11:26 AM »
Umm there are so many ways.  I guess the area most hurt is my abiltiy to trust.  I can't even get close to my husband. It took me 10 years to trust a friend to tell her about my gay son.  (She had no problem) I can't trust my husband with my feelings and thoughts--not because of him--because of NM.  I am afraiid of EVERYONE.  I have to be so careful. 

I rarely have conversations with co-workers that don't center around work.  NM taught me that my opinions, thoughts, and experiences were wrong.  For example, I told her I don't like plays or musicals. Her response was "where did I go wrong. "

I never really learned to do girly things growing up.  I never had friends over, nor did I go to friends houses.  I actuallly didn't have any friends outside school as a teenager.  I am an outisder watching other people have fun and enjoy life.  I just observe.  I can't join iin; I don't know how.  When I'm with people who are having a conversation, I lilsten, but have no thoughts of my own.  Someone will ask me my opinion, and I'll have none--because I learned from NM that my opinions don't matter.

I hate being the observer.  I don't know HOW to join in.  I'm just blank.  I'm invisible.

The thing that I hate more than anything that NM did to me was that I can feel humiliated very easily.  Humiliation is the worst feeling in the world to me.  I will feel soooo ashamed and embarrassed, which is one reason I cannot trust people.  I can't have them shaming me. 

My NM and NF supported my education but nothing else.  I never learned social skills, how to dance, how to be a friend, how to wear make-up, how to dress, how to clean, how to maintain a car, how to cook.  There were things they wouldn't let me do.  I could not use the turntable for records and was not allowed my own record player. I never got to listen to the music all the other kids listened to at the time except on the radio.  I had no allowance, nor was I allowed to get a job. I was given $10 a month for clothes.  Since I had stopped growing, they though I didn't need new clothes.  I was not allowed to wash the car, so it stayed dirty, even though I wanted to wash it. 

 I was told which university I had to go to if I wanted them to pay for it.  No choice.  i was told which instrument I had to play if I wanted to be in band-flute.  I think the only reason I did well in school was that I would receive praise for good grades.  But I would feel bad if I did not make a 100.  If I did make a 100, it was obviously too easy.

I can't get too excited about good things happening to me because if I do they might get taken away. So I hold in my happy feelings.  Anger comes out real easily though.

I so wish I could redo my childhood with healthy parents.  What I could have achieved.  Hmm, maybe I should be a teenager again.  The first thing that comes to mind is I could buy CD's and a sound system with speakers and everything.  I have a very old boom box and about 5 CD's.  There is no music in the house.  I'll ask my 25 year old son what kids are listening to these days. 

I should try new things.  I don't usually because of the fear, anxiety.  Does anybody know what teenagers do?  Sorry, I'm rambling. 

Dear English,
  THAT is one of the most beautiful posts I have ever read on this Board. You have SO much to say. Let your light shine, girlfriend! Keep sharing. Start here ,on this Board, Sweetheart!                          xxxooo  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: In What Area of Your Life Did Your N Parent Hurt You the Most?
« Reply #18 on: November 01, 2009, 10:35:04 AM »
Thank you ((((((((Ami)))))))