Author Topic: Hops  (Read 3373 times)


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Re: Hops
« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2009, 10:20:52 PM »
Gee, Bear...I wouldn't dare diagnose anybody else.

I've always called myself ADD-ish. It was just the reality of having all the psych tests confirm it.

Can you find an online test?

(Hey, we're creative types. Small comfort, eh?)


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Re: Hops
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2009, 03:50:33 PM »
Hops and Bear:

There is a list of questions, to help determine whether someone might have ADHD, or not.

I'll ask my friend if she still has a copy of hers.

She said she completely fit the profile, in any case.

Oh oh... I also meant to say....

when she finally got on the second medication, she looked around and thought....

"So this is what it's like to feel normal."

I thought that was interesting.

((Hops....) It stinks that the unethical Phd's actions, might be causing more emotional conflicts, than you otherwise might have had.

I trust you'll do what's best, either way.



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Re: Hops
« Reply #17 on: November 23, 2009, 08:07:21 AM »
So I feel a bit as though it's medicating myself to make myself fit into
a culture I don't identify with
, and to reach goals that aren't really my own.

(That's just whining. I know I have to deal with it all...part of the price
of admission to life.)

Bless you Hops for actually putting into simple words, something that's been taunting me - just beyond the focus/range of my consciousness. What you said isn't whining at all... I think it's more a little, oft-overlooked corner of reality that you're finally taking a good look at. Your looking and putting it out here so clearly...

is connecting dots for me, on so many levels. But, I've tried 3 times to write out what is making sense now and it's still in the babble stage; doesn't even make sense to me.

However, I'm convinced now, that you're on the right track with your path to a decision that's right for you. Has something to do "stage of life" and how our priorities/necessities change.... I think.
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Re: Hops
« Reply #18 on: November 23, 2009, 08:18:45 AM »
Thanks, Amber...I'm looking forward to your babble, always do!

Oddly enough I got very focused this weekend and got a lot of paperwork taken care of.

I think my D was helping, just being present and that calmed me and helped me focus.

Don't want to get crazy about it, but maybe I can establish enough new routines to cope with my skitter-brain without doing Rx.

The new nutrition and better exercise is making a big difference.

I'm doing the Circadian Presciption and also being consistent w/Dr. Schultz's Superfood, which I learned about here and am very grateful for!

love to you, and don't get too worn out juggling move and business...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Hops
« Reply #19 on: November 23, 2009, 09:01:13 AM »
LOL!! This is the week, I need to pack for the next visit to the beach - we close on the house on the 4th. So today, I decided to indulge in my old habit of reading/responding here first thing in the morning (probably won't a get much chance later this week). The journaling doesn't seem as necessary... so it's sort of on the back burner, now. I'm definitely in a "doing" mode and less self-reflective for a while. But some things have come up... and your simple phrase ties them all together. Maybe I can think about that during our long drives this week and next and nudge the pieces to fall into a coherent pattern.

The Circadian Prescription sounds interesting... will check it out.
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Re: Hops
« Reply #20 on: November 23, 2009, 02:08:04 PM »
Hi Hops

so often, someone here says something that is exactly me.

to make myself fit into a culture I don't identify with

I'd been in therapy from age 19/20 on and off to 2003/2009 (this last was re the accident) but every time I always felt that one would learn something about me that would be so earth-shattering that I wouldn't even be me (whoever I was) anymore.

But for those 50 years i have been the same me, yet a bit more enlightened with age!

If you go for the meds, you will be you but a better (or worse) version, depending on your outlook, and the actual effect, I expect.

I sort of believe we might get what we think.
Once I said, "I don't use the crutches now, as I am older, might fall and break a hip (leg it was) and end up in a wheelchair for the rest of my life" . That was in jest, but here I am.

Another time, I was wearing a wig as my hair grew out from not being able to take a perm. I thought, "If I get hit by a car, my wig will go flying and I'll be laying there with my hair in the panty part of pantyhose and no one will know me."

Then I got rid of the wig, just in time.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2009, 02:09:53 PM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Hops
« Reply #21 on: November 24, 2009, 05:26:02 PM »
When I populate the planet I will rule in the next life, Izz,
I will require many people who move about on wheels and wear pantyhose on their heads...

Really. Conventional earthlings can apply too, but preference will be given to pantyhose-heads.
And those with seniority in a previous life will cut to the head of the line.

It ain't a democracy, when I'm Queen o' the Universe.

(Everyone will be pain free, by the way...much easier for administration purposes.)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Hops
« Reply #22 on: November 25, 2009, 01:12:26 AM »
Hey gang, i have a terrible add and just take energy drinks to stay focused when I need it.

Hops, as an ex doctor, I would dare to advise you not to take any of those medicines because they give rebound and after you want to quit them they cause you a terrible depression. Just handle it your self, and take energy drinks when you need to stay focused.
I take red bull to play in church so I do not forget where I am and to play the amen when it is time to do it and to stay on top of my game in church, etc.
Those medicines cause you a lot of damage, and they are addictive and create tolerance  then you need more, just my opinion as a add my self, gandle it on your own.
God bless you.


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Re: Hops
« Reply #23 on: November 25, 2009, 05:36:02 AM »
I'm really happy to hear your voice!

And thank you for the advice.
I am agreeing, so far...I would much, much rather find better behavioral ways.

After 60 years with this brain, I'd like to give it a chance.

love to you,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Hops
« Reply #24 on: November 27, 2009, 01:22:52 PM »

Hi Hops,

I moved this to this thread because I didn't want to hijack the thread where you first posted it by getting off on a rabbit trail.

Your entire post was beautifully put.  I relate especially to this part...

It's a release to let her go. Poor woman lived 98 years, and her last 14 months were more than enough punishment. I don't want to punish her, or her memory, any more.

She baked bread. She made clothes. She strove and tried and was brittle.

More to the point, she was of a generation and background that never, ever, would have considered therapy or counseling or dishonoring thy father permissible.



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Re: Hops
« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2009, 12:26:28 AM »
Thank you, TT.

I had dinner tonight with a friend who had just said goodbye to his mother at her funeral, and he's in the first stages...

He has so much to forgive. Terrible abuse...but/and she had a schizotypal disorder. It's hard to sort out the accountability then. Sometimes, he said, meanness is a part of such a disorder (he's a shrink).

But the main thing he's feeling is relief. Her death is such a relief to him...

I get that.

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Re: Hops
« Reply #26 on: November 28, 2009, 10:39:53 AM »
Hi all!!  My ex husband had ADD.  He was so distracted.  I would cook a meal and be done eating by the time he sat down.  He would have to go back and get salt, and then he would go back in and get something else.  He would walk circles.

It was hard for him to get out of the house.  It got to the point that he had post its all over the door to remind him of things.  He had to learn to put his keys in the exact same place every night or he could never find them.

He was very creative but he was also very impulsive.  Affairs all the time and hence the divorce.  Could never pull off job interviews.  Hard to get hired.  But so smart.

He did the drugs.  It helped him focus.

Good luck to you Hops!!!!


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Re: Hops
« Reply #27 on: November 28, 2009, 10:25:15 PM »
LORDYbove, Kel...

you been watchin' me?

I am doing better...

And YOU???????? What's the latest on you?

big hugs, and thanks for telling me that story,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."