Thanks for answering.
I know what you mean.I feel that too and probably lots of people do regarding the meds.
Just try to think of the stats and how many people out there are privately taking some kind of medication for psychological help as well. Co-workers, employer, friends, the sales clerk at your favorite store, the mail person--- people in all occupations and walks of life.
Sometimes we just can't do it on our own because of physical chemical imbalances and it is kind of like having a broken leg at the physical level but deciding up there in our minds that we are going to go dancing. We could try all we wanted on willpower alone but because of the physcial reality we'd fumble, be in pain, and make things worse in the end.
In the case of depression the physical reality is the chemical imbalance.
I'm glad you feel good again.You played out both sides and it seems you are doing the right and best thing for yourself. Take care.