Hiya tt, PR, Ami and HopsThe word I was looking for was more like
'resigned'I did a bit of searching and found this:
Stoic philosophy says to accept things that cannot be changed, resigning oneself to existence and enduring in a rational fashion. Death is not feared. It was part of a Wiki article. I think it comes closest to what I've been feeling....you know me, cannot identify feelings.
Let me know if you can see that?
I was "down' the other day and didn't know why, then after I telephoned my car Insurance re renewal on Nov 27, and received an acceptable answer, I was fine, so in and amongst the good and bad it was my Car Insurance and not having been through non-renewal before, in all my driving years, realized the difference in renewal and cancellation.
tt? You funnee! I retired in 1972, from the work force, but not from troubles!

PR Yes. Not dressing is practical. It was so painful to do so, and to use the bathroom, so I didn't go around announcing to my 'visitors' that I was not wearing any underwear. When ALL discomfort leaves and I can wiggle my scanties up and down in a bathroom, I will be more ready to attack the outside world and public washrooms, where there is no bed on which to lie to redress!
Whatever happened to the muu-muu? has been
constantly on my mind.
I have a vague picture of me, bottom-wise as no legs, but the round bottom of a child's toy that, no matter how much it is pushed, it rolls back to an upright postion. Weird? That replaced a picture of a rubber tire on one hip with no leg!

Ami There is also a sense of "
loss I have experienced, say a death, yes", that only I understand, while the rest of the world moves on in it's normal dysfunctional way, and once again, I will be left behind. Then one day I will plateau from this and move on again, but there is still the
grieving process, so to speak.

Hops "
I-survived-Normandy-but-the-war's-still-on" is very a propos! Now that Paul, lawyer, and I are more acquainted and are getting along, understanding how each thinks, even he knows this was more than just a broken leg. I know I can count on him (always did but is more confirmed with this surgery, as he was incensed at Mary Jo) I know she is looking for official records of the surgery before coming to me, and discussing with Paul and me, what her strategy will be. I called my Surgeon's Office to see if my Release of Information form was still in order, as Dr. is away, but reachable via e-mail. Yes!
Thank you all and I think of you all but like the last 8 months, almost, is has been pain and me fighting one another. I noted too, how in the hospital, my 'chair would be moved out of reach, but not out of sight. Out of reach is a helpless feeling! but, you know, I have not yet reached a point of total helplessness, I know. So there is still more in store for me. EEEEEKK!