Hi angrygirl,
I know exactly what you are feeling - overwhelmed, amazed that others know what you feel, sad that this is not just a one family issue, but rampant, hurt that you put up with the Nmom for all these years and didn't know better......
I was attached to this board and all my books when I first discovered this. I kept making H sit and listen as I read paragraphs that described my family. We were struggling with our relationship at the time and I was soaking everything up because I couldn't talk to him the way I used to.
Getting through a few months, getting used to the knowledge, and working together I'm happy to say H and I are back to our happy wonderful relationship. Gaining new knowledge and looking back at your past will bring up very strong emotions. Feel free to come here and ask, vent, read, write whatever. It is a haven for me. I don't have friends who understand and I feel like this is my close little group of friends, even though I only know everyone by their username.
Sometimes it takes time to get through the posts, but I like it when I ask a question and get a reply right away. I am in mountain time zone and am on here later than others and that is when the questions seem to come. But the questions get answered and the responses help so much.
Welcome to our group!