Hey everyone,
So Friday is what I am hoping is the final court date. At the last court date I had to fend for myself b/c I could not pay the attorney. I did ok, considering the fact that I had to cross-examine an "expert witness"!! aah! Had he been an actual doctor I would have done better... but he had a bachelors in micro-biology; and had the nerve to sit on that stand and make comments on the medication my 8 year old takes for bipolar and ADHD. Yes I said micro-biologist. Hmmm.. Maybe he was an N too? IDk but the judge appointed Minors counsil for my boy, and just like Mom, Kayleb had to meet with him, and he told him everything!!! His dad did smack him in the head, Dad (N) tells him to lie about things that happen at his house because he (N) will go to jail if K tells anyone, Dad slammed the wife up against the wall when they were arguing (her 2 kids were there as well as K)... Good Boy!!!!! The truth will set you free!! So today I got word that minors counsil contacted K's program (mental health childrens program that N has said over and over again is a "glorified daycare") and K's program ran down the list of things the kids are involved in to help them bring balance to their emotions and thoughts... Minors counsil complimented the director for being so articulate and said she answered all of his questions... including the bit that she threw in about the current visitation schedule being extremely detrimental to K's well being- to which he replied- "In the 30 years I've been doing Family Law- I've never seen such a rediculious visitation schedule". Hmm...

.... He also spoke to K's psychiatrist who totally disproved everything that the "micro-biologist" said, as well as some other psychologist the N took him to when he abducted him. Neither are qualified to make reccomendations on medication. So apparently from both I have gathered this- the issue being addressed in court is weather or not K is infact Bipolar. Just like an N to doubt there are any genetic flaws in his child. I just hope that once this all comes out in court he will leave me alone- he doesnt even bother to see his other son who is autistic... gee I wonder why?? POS>> So I am asking for soul physical custody with the right to make any and all medical, educational, and religious decisions (soul legal custody without calling it that)... To everyone who has read and or commented on my posts... Thank you for your strength...
On that note, I am moving on with mine and K's lives... I have opened my eyes to someone who has been in front of me for the past 13 years- my best friend- He is a wonderful, caring, and loving man, that completely loves me and K... he's 1800 miles away, but love prevails, and I will learn to live in the snow... and be happy to have 2100 miles between me and the N!!! Marrage, a brother and/or sister for K, and the white picket fence... I will have it all- because Ive earned it and Ive fought tooth and nail for it!!! No worries I will check in!! (((((((((ALL OF YOU!!!)))))))))) Wish me luck for Friday and I will post after court- promise!