Author Topic: Astrology of NM's and D's  (Read 1444 times)


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Astrology of NM's and D's
« on: December 14, 2009, 07:09:51 PM »
I have been having a passion to study astrology. I am amazed that my M's chart shows HOW she has tried to destroy me. It has many of her planets , Mars squaring my Jupiter(ideas and ideals ), Venus(love), Mars(power) and Saturn(tests and trials), and moon(emotions)
 I know Sealynx is an astrologer.
 I think it would be wonderful to do charts of NM's and D's and see if you can see the abuse in the chart.
 Perhaps, if I get good enough, I could offer something like this.
 Perhaps, you could , Sealynx.
         xxoo  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Astrology of NM's and D's
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2009, 08:59:45 AM »
Hi Ami,
Astrologically, there is no one chart that fits an N, or N relationships. I've seen many types and combination, everything from charts that seem relatively well balanced to one with all the personal planets in Gemini. Gemini's normally have a sense of humor. Her complete lack of emotion removed any hint of humor.

 You also have to consider that parent/child charts express differently because of the power differential. Even in marriage no one will ever "own you" with as much complete authority as a parent. The degree to which a parent can examine their actions and emotions and get some distance from knee jerk reactions becomes important in child rearing.

When looking at relationship charts it is important to first look at each natal chart and discern who each person is. More than anything this will tell you not only what the best relationship you can have with them is, but their likely limitations that you will just have to live with. Synastry(chart comparison) can't change the overall person, even if it creates a few arguments or love connections.

My father had his Mars and Venus conjunct my moon. In a normal relationship this could have been worked out given that the Venus Moon implies that he understood my feelings to some extent. There was an affinity between us, but given his abusive childhood, I had an affinity to parts of him that he had disowned. All the planets were in stubborn Taurus and our lives were one long  Moon/Mars (you will not dominate my feelings) battle!!  His authority complex was also wounded with Chiron in his sun sign of Aries and I challenged that constantly with my intellectual focus making his quick reactions seem out of place and rash. To make things worse I was much smarter than he was and could out wit him in arguments which caused him to rage. So both peoples charts should be looked at. Some things are intentional and some things just ARE.

My mother who was the true N had an unaspected Neptune which meant that the illusory part of her could pop up anywhere without being "grounded" by another planet. We have a Venus/Sun-Venus/Jupiter conjunctions.  We both had strong Aquarian and Pisces planets and should have been able to get along. However our mutual interests only added fuel to the deceptions. I kept trying to make the best of the good stuff while damage was being done due to her instability.

So as you can see there is a lot to this.

 N charts have been discussed over on the forum (but no conclusions were reached) and they have many topics under which to post charts in the forum and get member input. It is a great place to learn and joining is free. If you would like me to look at your charts I'd be glad to eyeball them as I have time. To do a chart you need the Day month and year of birth as well as Time and Place.


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Re: Astrology of NM's and D's
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2009, 09:55:19 AM »
Thank you ((Sealynx))). I will try that site. I have a  passion to learn it. I would love you to do two sets of charts for me and I will pay you for them cuz your time and expertise is valuable.
  I am such an amateur that I can see things but I can't put them in to the perspective of the whole chart.
 I did my H and my son who commited suicide. My H had almost all the major planets on TOP of my son's Neptune---the planet of deception---in the first house
 It explained some things for me. I really want to understand the chart from s/one who won't mince words cuz the online charts do mince words cuz they don't want to freak people out. That would be my desire when you did the charts.
 My M has a sun-mercury combust in the 12 th house in Aquarius. I think that is a big YUCK. Am I right? That opposes my Jupiter. She always tried to destroy my ideals. I have almost a stellium ,I think ,in Gemini in the 9th house. I have 5 planets conjunct and my ideals have always been the way that I tried to stay sane.My chart seems pretty easy in lots of ways but my M's seems out to get me when it is next to mine.
 I will PM you the Birthdates. Thank you Sea.            xxxoo   Ami

« Last Edit: December 15, 2009, 10:36:13 AM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Astrology of NM's and D's
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2009, 11:51:22 AM »
I know NOTHING about astrology, but your comment about Gemini gave me a chill. One of the things I have learned by reading about Ns is that one of the ways they cope is by finding a "twin" ... someone whom they VIEW as being like them in all things. They then use their "twin" to "tell them what they're feeling" because they don't have direct access to their own emotions. Apparently that's the source of them provoking their spouse or children, so that the other person will react emotionally and they can either identify with them or reject them based on whether they express the "right" emotion. The search for and use of twinship is a compensation for lack of mirroring in infancy.


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Re: Astrology of NM's and D's
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2009, 01:41:34 PM »
That fits in with the mimicry I've seen N's engage in. Fortunately for Gemini Sun signs they tend to have two perfectly good personalities to choose from giving them a dual nature that can be frustrating to deal with but not nearly as frustrating as those who don't even have one of their own!!


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Re: Astrology of NM's and D's
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2009, 03:13:36 PM »
I am  Gemini as I said. I do feel like I have 2 personalities. I have Moon in Cancer which is very intuitive and sensitive so I don't think I am an N  :lol: :lol: :lol: .         xxxoo  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Astrology of NM's and D's
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2009, 01:56:35 PM »
Thank you (((Sea))) . You are a wonderful astrologer!               xxoo   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung