Author Topic: Can you post some things your Nperson has done?  (Read 3697 times)


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Can you post some things your Nperson has done?
« Reply #15 on: October 21, 2004, 05:38:28 PM »
This is Angrygirl...

So Kelly I take it that your aunt is not an N right?  What about siblings? Do you have any and what is their relationship like with Nmom?


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Can you post some things your Nperson has done?
« Reply #16 on: October 21, 2004, 05:48:48 PM »
when my x kicked down my door and assaulted me with a baseball bat my landlord illegally evicted my 1.5 year old son and I.  my mother said she would only help us if I did what she wanted.  so I paid for my son to stay at the sitter's overnight and slept in my car.