Hi Kelly. I understand maybe a little where you are coming from. I'd like to answer your questions one by one. Even though you answered them at the end and good for you!!

I liked Bunny's comment about the bulldozers too.
How do you really feel when people make jokes about things that if they even knew 10 percent of what you have gone through they would never tell them?
I think that it reflects on their insensitivity and arrogance. I feel like I don't want to spend too much time in their presence.
How do you really feel when people ask of you and they don't say thank you?
Depends on the situation.
How do you really feel when people ask questions thinking they are being funny when it IS not funny at all?
I feel hurt.
How do you really feel when people ask about your past and all you have is hurt?
If a trusted person asks, I feel good in that it might bring us closer in sharing. If it is someone who wants to scrutinize, I feel like they might want to use me and I would keep my mouth shut.
How do you really feel when you do the best that you can do and they ignore it and ask more of you?
Angry but, inside, knowing I did my best and I don't have to prove anything to anyone but myself.
How do you really feel when all you want is peace and all around you they want torment because their life sucks so bad that they might as well make everyone else's suck too?
Used by a bunch of louts. And I would find other people to be around who weren't like that. I would *pull way, way back.*
How do you really feel when you are constantly abondoned?
Unwanted and like there is something wrong with me.
How do you really feel when they can count on you but you can never ever think about counting on them?
Angry and hurt. Used and cheated.
How do you really feel when you are so good at showing the world you can handle anything but inside you are a wreck?
Like I am going crazy and I seek out therapy and therapeutic activities.
How do you really feel when you are hurting so bad inside that you think you are going to burst?
Like I am going to die.
But it gets betterAnswer: anger, depression, hurt, confused, dazed, wiped out, tired, cranky, like crying, want to get away, sad, mad, unhappy, emotional, helpless, exhaustion, broken heart, done.
It is funny how a little thing that someone else thinks is funny can bring up so many horrible, bad, never ending memories of past hurts that haunt.
I Know (((((Kelly))))
Hey, you know what I've learned from my summer of hell? That alot of it never had to do with me in the first place.

I can change myself, not others.
One other thing I got from a chain mail a long time ago...it said,
"When someone asks you a personal question that you don't want to answer, smile and say, 'why do you want to know?'"