Author Topic: OCD  (Read 5016 times)


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« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2004, 08:17:06 PM »
sorry didnt realise I wanst logged in, the above post was by me



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« Reply #16 on: October 31, 2004, 12:25:43 AM »
Quote from: Anonymous
After the session with him I got interested in the subject and started reading about the subject, especially Jungian analysis.

Good for you!  

Tell the therapist that I feel bitter about my ex-counsellor ?  

Thinking on those lines I did do one thing which would look so insignificant but was a milestone for me. I managed to utter the word 'shadow' 'dream analysis' to a therapist ! I usually think that I am stupid and hence my analysis, views, feelings are insignificant and the therapist are powerful and know everything especially about subjects related to therapy.. and for me to use a Jungian word like 'shadow' that too face to face with a therapist !!!!.. I felt the world would swallow me but thankfully she didnt spit on me.. infact she took it well  8)  

who knows.. one day I might tell her or atleast hint in more clear terms that I didnt like my pervious counsellor

That is a big step to let the therapist know that you are savvy about psychology. I share your apprehension that this is "taboo" for me to know about and compared to the therapist, I'm ignorant and they are thinking how foolish and phony I am. (Cognitive distortion because I really do know something about it.)

Your therp. would be extremely interested in your feelings about the ex-counselor. When I first saw my current psychiatrist I did nothing but talk about how horrible my last therapist was. This was very informative to him because (a) he sees what I was willing to tolerate for a long time; (b) he learns what makes me feel persecuted; (c) he learns about my negative transference to the ex-therapist which is a warning to him; (d) he sees where I was injured and need help from him. So if you can manage it, tell her. It's useful info for her.



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« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2004, 08:09:49 PM »
I have a few OCD tendencies as well. For me, I can't just ignore it, or accept is as normal, b/c the intrusive thoughts keep running around like a hamster wheel. BUT, what I am trying to do is replace the thoughts.

I was suggesting accepting OCD behaviors; I would never suggest ignoring thoughts.  Acknowledging and replacing them is much better.  They are too damaging to allow to run unchecked.  

I do wish to caution everyone that the study of psychology attracts Narcissists who use clients for their narcissistic supply.  

Many narcissistics soothe their lack of self esteem by putting down others so they feel superior.

Be very careful who you allow into your life, particularly someone with as much potential power as a therapist.


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« Reply #18 on: November 01, 2004, 09:30:51 PM »
Quote from: bunny

Your therp. would be extremely interested in your feelings about the ex-counselor. When I first saw my current psychiatrist I did nothing but talk about how horrible my last therapist was. This was very informative to him because (a) he sees what I was willing to tolerate for a long time; (b) he learns what makes me feel persecuted; (c) he learns about my negative transference to the ex-therapist which is a warning to him; (d) he sees where I was injured and need help from him. So if you can manage it, tell her. It's useful info for her.


I think the reason why I didnt say it is because I felt since she is a counsellor she got to be right and since I was confused I should be wrong. Actually I felt abandoned, powerless, and developed certain resentment about counsellors, especially women counsellors after that experince. I even asked my catchment area counsellor to reger me to a male therapist.. but still I couldnt say plainly that I didnt like the therapy sessions with her. This also helps me in realising how much of negativity I absorb rather than externalising them. I nowadays am getting more and more aware that I do have a tendency to hide other people behind me..more so the negativity which others transfer on to me. In doing so I seem to be holding back myself for the sake of others.. trying to do a fine balancing act ! all in the name of 'tolerant' and 'easy going'

When I go for my next session on the 22nd I will take a STANCE rather than justify or rationalise things or try look at things 'objectively' despite however irrational, rediculous or plainly crazy my feelings/demands are going to be !!



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« Reply #19 on: November 01, 2004, 11:16:32 PM »
You go, Spirit!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're with you.