I have stomach aches a lot. I know it is emotional. My stomach handles my emotions for me. When I feel afraid in any way,I get a stomach ache.
I notice that if I feel close to someone(intimacy), I will get a stomach ache. This can be to anyone--male or female.
If I am afraid someone will be angry, I get a stomach ache too and I always afraid of anger.
Just writing this is giving me a stomach ache . Sometimes, I wish I could go in to another person's body and assume their identity
I find any change very hard--changing myself,going new places, any change --really.
I can't believe I am reading this.
This morning I woke up in such panic from being afraid. My heart beats very fast, like if a Dr. just told me I had a terminal illness and I want to run or am afraid for my life.
Then I feel guilty for having this analogy because it is not my reality but my extensive fears and that is the only way I can explain or give an example of my painful anxiety.
I called my husband at work, very breathless telling him the best I could how I felt and asking him am I going to feel better, do I sound like this everyday?
Because I have my period he said you seem to suffer more during this time and that I will feel better, in more control etc.
To be completely honest I took my anxiety medication and it did help.
My thoughts are spinning. I went to the dentist this week, I made it, I was proud of myself but you would think I was having open heart surgery!
Then this morning I was thinking.........more thinking and realized I loathe myself. I wont go to local stores because of my fear of seeing someone from my past.
I feel ugly, can't look at them in the eye, what to run, hide. Is this insecurity or do I have myself as an ugly monster that isn't worthy of existing.
What the heck is this all about? Why do I do this to myself?
Ami, so so sorry I must sound selfish. I could feel your pain, yours is in your stomach and mine is my chest, I can feel it with you though, know what I mean?
I was so sad the other day because I don't have any friends, yet I don't want any.
My husband is my best friend and so patient, gosh I would of run for the hills having to deal with me. He is my soul mate, angel and I should be so thankful for what I have.
One of my N's mention all the friends she has, well that includes registry cashiers, insurance company office, city hall office, the guy that opened the door for her at CVS! etc....not kidding.
Oh my gosh I am being so real right now, it scares the hell out of me.
Maybe I feel like I'm suppose to have a list a mile long to look normal?
I asked my oldest daughter the night, "do you wake up believing you deserve to have a great day and good things happen to you?" She said, "YES"
I don't.
She's healthy, thanking God with my whole heart.
I have more to shed. I also am a closet smoker. I hate it, I hate myself, my secret, dirty secret about myself.
I have know idea why now, why you are so brave, why so many times your words and feeling are such a connection and release.
(((((((hugs if I understand a little of your pain)))))))
love you! seasons, who is gonna have a panic attack after I hit post. As I know I am unclear, not focused and probably give you a headache trying to read this.