Hi GS, sweetie!
Happy Valentine's Day, a bit early too!
I have this (still) constant fear that I'll forget to pay something, or not do something important. Maybe it's just anxiety. But, for the life of me (and I've been trying)... I simply can't find any actual past traumatic examples of when I DID forget something important. This fear/anxiety made me a hugely successful multitasker - and caused so much stress in my life, that I was miserable. Because, when I looked at all the crap on my various lists & post-it notes... there was only a small fraction that I CARED about taking care of. And the fear/anxiety seemed more related to an attitude I held about myself - when in Right-brain mode (feeling, having fun, enjoying life in the moment...) I was subject to the fear that I'd not take of the "have-tos".
So, along the lines of what Sealynx said - when I started removing the stuff that I don't care about from my "list"... I began to breathe free-er... have more confidence in myself and my ability to take care of things - and to realize that if I truly ever DID make that kind of mistake... the world wouldn't come to an end, nor would it call down the instant karma judgement society to condemn me to hell without passing go... (but of course, I still have tremors of worry about this from time to time).
sort of the opposite of what you're describing, I know. But maybe there's something that'll shine a ray of light on a way out of your dark cloud....
and if there isn't - HUGS - HUGS - HUGS - HUGS - HUGS - HUGS till you at least crack a smile, kiddo!